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  • Swiss Medical Weekly: 2023, vol: 153, issue:
  • 1)- , , , . Supplementum 272: Abstracts of the Annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Gastroenterology, the Swiss Society of Visceral Surgery, the Swiss Association for the Study of the Liver and the Swiss Society of Endoscopy Nurses and Associates. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153 (Suppl. 272):
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  • 2)- Swiss Society Of Medical Oncology, Swiss Society Of Hematology, Swiss Group For Clinical Cancer Research. Supplementum 274: Abstracts of the Swiss Oncology & Hematology Congress (SOHC). Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153 (11):
    Cited : 3
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  • 3)- Lea Kleinsorge, Zahra Pasha, Maria Boesing, Nebal Abu Hussein, Pierre O Bridevaux, Prashant N Chhajed, Thomas Geiser, Ladina Joos Zellweger, Malcolm Kohler, Sabrina Maier, David Miedinger, Michael Tamm, Robert Thurnheer, Christophe Von Garnier, Joerg D Leuppi. Clinical characteristics governing treatment adjustment in COPD patients: results from the Swiss COPD cohort study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153 (11): 40114
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  • 4)- Maria Trottmann, Eva Blozik, Marcel Hilbig, Daniel LoVerdi, Marcello Pedruzzi, Tina Scherer, Martina Weiss, Mark Pletscher, Niklaus Meier. Real-world expenditures and survival time after CAR-T treatment for large B-cell lymphoma in Switzerland: a retrospective study using insurance claims data. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 3441
    Cited : 4
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  • 5)- Mayssan Nehme, Lara Diem, Claudio L A Bassetti, Idris Guessous. Swiss recommendations for the diagnosis, management and follow-up of post-COVID condition in primary care medicine (2023). Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 3468
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  • 6)- Swiss Society For Anaesthesiology And Perioperative Medicine, Swiss Association For Anaesthesia Nursing. Supplementum 273: Abstracts Swiss Anaesthesia 2023, joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society for Anaesthesiology and Perioperative Medicine and the Swiss Association for Anaesthesia Nursing. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 3604
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  • 7)- Susanne Wehrli, Sebastian Wäscher. Healthcare access and health equity: intricate challenges for rare diseases. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 3644
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  • 8)- Marlene Brigitte Berchtold, Christian Wüthrich, Daniel Garcia, Steffen Berger, Ruth Mari Löllgen. Nurses' and physicians' reported difficulties and enablers to recognising and reporting child abuse in Swiss paediatric emergency and paediatric surgery departments - an observational study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40017
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  • 9)- Muriel Kruijver, Philip Bruggmann, Raphael Magnolini. Evidence of use and users of image- and performance-enhancing drugs in sports in Switzerland: a scoping literature review and implications for Swiss drug policy. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40080
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  • 10)- Hendrike Dahmke, Rico Fiumefreddo, Philipp Schuetz, Remo De Iaco, Claudia Zaugg. Tackling alert fatigue with a semi-automated clinical decision support system: quantitative evaluation and end-user survey. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40082
    Cited : 6
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  • 11)- Franziska Schütz, Eva Haffter, André Meichtry, Balz Winteler, Brigitte E Gantschnig. Change over time in functional capacity and self-perceived health status for patients with chronic musculoskeletal pain: a registry-based longitudinal study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40083
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  • 12)- Rosario Agosti-Gonzalez, Luis Falcato, Thomas Grischott, Oliver Senn, Philip Bruggmann. Hepatitis C antibody test frequencies and positive rates in Switzerland from 2007 to 2017: a retrospective longitudinal study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40085
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  • 13)- Francesco Negro, Beat Müllhaupt, David Semela, Sarah Blach, Philip Bruggmann, Andrea De Gottardi, Jean-Francois Dufour, Montserrat Fraga, Antonio Galante, Homie Razavi, Joana Vieira Barbosa, Devin Razavi-Shearer. The current and future burden of hepatitis B in Switzerland: a modelling study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40086
    Cited : 2
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  • 14)- Nena Karavasiloglou, Eleftheria Michalopoulou, Manuela Limam, Dimitri Korol, Miriam Wanner, Sabine Rohrmann. Net survival of women diagnosed with breast tumours: a population-based study in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40087
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  • 15)- Marco M Ruckstuhl, Evelyne Bischof, Dana Blatch, Aliki Buhayer, Jörg Goldhahn, Edouard Battegay, Andre Tichelli, Collin Y Ewald. Translational longevity medicine: a Swiss perspective in an ageing country. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40088
    Cited : 2
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  • 16)- Tobias Silzle, Christian R Kahlert, Werner C Albrich, Susanne Nigg, Ruth Demmer Steingruber, Christoph Driessen, Stefanie Fischer. Humoral and cellular BNT162b2 mRNA-based booster vaccine-induced immunity in patients with multiple myeloma and persistence of neutralising antibodies: results of a prospective single-centre cohort study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40090
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  • 17)- Mirjam Gross-Erne, Lukas Zimmerli, Stefano Bassetti, Qiyu Li, Anita Feller, Walter Mingrone. A long-term retrospective observational study at a medium-sized medical oncology service in Switzerland: comparison of overall survival with a national cohort and adherence to treatment guidelines. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40091
    Cited : 2
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  • 18)- Anita Uka, Sabrina Bressieux-Degueldre, Michael Buettcher, Lisa Kottanattu, Margerita Plebani, Anita Niederer-Loher, Nina Schöbi, Michael Hofer, Julie Tomasini, Johannes Trück, Reto Villiger, Noémie Wagner, Daniela Wuetz, Nicole Ritz, Petra Zimmermann. Cardiac involvement in children with paediatric multisystem inflammatory syndrome temporally associated with SARS-CoV-2 (PIMS-TS): data from a prospective nationwide surveillance study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40092
    Cited : 3
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  • 19)- Simone Ehrhard, Mirjam Keller, Linda Morgenstern, Martin Müller, Meret E Ricklin, Jolanta Klukowska-Rötzler, Aristomenis K Exadaktylos, Dominik A Jakob. Presentation and treatment of animal and human bite injuries at a Swiss tertiary emergency department: a cross-sectional study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40093
    Cited : 2
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  • 20)- Franz Von Stauffenberg, Inga Hegemann, Rahel Schwotzer, Kuno Lehmann, Jeannette Widmer. Management of abdominal pseudotumours in haemophilia: a systematic review. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40094
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  • 21)- Janne Estill, Plamenna Venkova-Marchevska, Huldrych F Günthard, Sara Botero-Mesa, Amaury Thiabaud, Maroussia Roelens, Laure Vancauwenberghe, Lauro Damonti, Ulrich Heininger, Anne Iten, Peter W Schreiber, Rami Sommerstein, Sarah Tschudin-Sutter, Nicolas Troillet, Danielle Vuichard-Gysin, Andreas Widmer, Torsten Hothorn, Olivia Keiser. Treatment effect of remdesivir on the mortality of hospitalised COVID-19 patients in Switzerland across different patient groups: a tree-based model analysis. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40095
    Cited : 1
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  • 22)- Simon Weidlich, Diego Mannhart, Teodor Serban, Philipp Krisai, Sven Knecht, Jeanne Du Fay de Lavallaz, Tatjana Müller, Beat Schaer, Stefan Osswald, Michael Kühne, Christian Sticherling, Patrick Badertscher. Accuracy in detecting atrial fibrillation in single-lead ECGs: an online survey comparing the influence of clinical expertise and smart devices. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40096
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  • 23)- Jeanne M Gunzinger, Daniel R Muth, James V M Hanson, Mayss Al-Sheikh, Katrin Fasler, Daniel Barthelmes, Sandrine A Zweifel. Vitamin A deficiency retinopathy related to medical interventions in a Swiss cohort: a case series. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40097
    Cited : 1
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  • 24)- Kris Magerl, Matthias Diebold, Caroline Wehmeier, Patrizia Amico, Michael Dickenmann, Jürg Steiger, Stefan Schaub, Patricia Hirt-Minkowski. Outcome of kidney transplantation from senior deceased donors: a single centre study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40098
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  • 25)- Laura Rossier, Christoph Matter, Emanuel Burri, Tatiana Galperine, Petr Hrúz, Pascal Juillerat, Alain Schoepfer, Stephan R Vavricka, Nadine Zahnd, Natalie Décosterd, Frank Seibold. Swiss expert opinion: current approaches in faecal microbiota transplantation in daily practice. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40100
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  • 26)- Christine Ludz, Guido Stirnimann, David Semela, Joachim Mertens, Andreas E Kremer, Magdalena Filipowicz Sinnreich, Christiane Sokollik, Christine Bernsmeier, Solange Bresson-Hadni, Valérie McLin, Nathalie Rock, Christian Braegger, Carsten Posovszky, Pascal Müller, Matthias Cremer, Andrea De Gottardi, Antonio Galante, Raoul Furlano, Franziska Righini-Grunder, Björn Becker, Stephan Böhm, Klaas Heyland, Andreas Nydegger, Costanzo Limoni, Diego Vergani, Giorgina Mieli-Vergani, Claudia Di Bartolomeo,. Epidemiology, clinical features and management of autoimmune hepatitis in Switzerland: a retrospective and prospective cohort study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40102
    Cited : 2
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  • 27)- Cédric Poyet, Thomas Paul Scherer, Mirjam Kunz, Miriam Wanner, Dimitri Korol, Gianluca Rizzi, Basil Kaufmann, Sabine Rohrmann, Thomas Hermanns. Retrospective analysis of the uptake of active surveillance for low-risk prostate cancer in Zurich, Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40103
    Cited : 1
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  • 28)- . Supplementum 267: Abstracts of the annual meeting 2023 of the Swiss Society of Paediatrics. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40104
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  • 29)- Swiss Society Of Cardiology, Swiss Society For Heart And Thoracic Vascular Surgery, Swiss Society Of Pneumology, Swiss Society For Thoracic Surgery. Supplementum 268: Abstracts of the joint annual meeting of the Swiss Society of Cardiology, the Swiss Society for Heart and Thoracic Vascular Surgery, the Swiss Society of Pneumology and the Swiss Society for Thoracic Surgery. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40105
    Cited : 1
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  • 30)- Swiss Orthopaedics. Supplementum 269: Abstracts of the 83th annual meeting of swiss orthopaedics. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40106
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  • 31)- Rahel Meier, Thomas Grischott, Yael Rachamin, Levy Jäger, Oliver Senn, Thomas Rosemann, Jakob M Burgstaller, Stefan Markun. Importance of different electronic medical record components for chronic disease identification in a Swiss primary care database: a cross-sectional study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40107
    Cited : 1
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  • 32)- Arnoud J Templeton, Aurelius Omlin, Dominik Berthold, Jörg Beyer, Irene A Burger, Daniel Eberli, Daniel Engeler, Christian Fankhauser, Stefanie Fischer, Silke Gillessen, Guillaume Nicolas, Stephanie Kroeze, Anja Lorch, Michael Müntener, Alexandros Papachristofilou, Niklaus Schaefer, Daniel Seiler, Frank Stenner, Petros Tsantoulis, Tatjana Vlajnic, Thomas Zilli, Daniel Zwahlen, Richard Cathomas. Interdisciplinary Swiss consensus recommendations on staging and treatment of advanced prostate cancer. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40108
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  • 33)- Annina Stauber, Andreas Müller, Nikki Rommers, Stefanie Aeschbacher, Nicolas Rodondi, Leo H Bonati, Juerg H Beer, Raban V Jeger, David J Kurz, Claudia Liedtke, Peter Ammann, Marcello Di Valentino, Patricia Chocano, Richard Kobza, Michael Kühne, David Conen, Stefan Osswald, Alain M Bernheim. Association of chocolate consumption with neurological and cardiovascular outcomes in atrial fibrillation: data from two Swiss atrial fibrillation cohort studies (Swiss-AF and BEAT-AF). Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40109
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  • 34)- Elona Cekani, Carolina Martorell, Francesco Martucci, Miriam Patella, Stefano Cafarotti, Antonio Valenti, Stefania Freguia, Francesca Molinari, Patrizia Froesch, Milo Frattini, Anastasios Stathis, Luciano Wannesson. Prognostic implication of PD-L1 in early-stage non-small cell lung cancer: a retrospective single-centre study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40110
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  • 35)- Leonie Heron, Catrina Mugglin, Kathrin Zürcher, Erich Brumann, Bettina Keune-Dübi, Nicola Low, Lukas Fenner. Contact tracing for COVID-19 in a Swiss canton: analysis of key performance indicators. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40112
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  • 36)- Anne Angelillo-Scherrer, Alessandro Casini, Jan-Dirk Studt, Bernhard Gerber, Lorenzo A Alberio, Pierre Fontana. Recommendations for the use of andexanet alfa in the management of bleeding in patients on oral factor Xa inhibitors in Switzerland: Guideline from the Working Party Hemostasis of the Swiss Society of Hematology. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40113
    Cited : 4
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  • 37)- Thomas P Scherer, Karim Saba, Marian S Wettstein, Ilaria Lucca, Ashkan Mortezavi, Sharon Waisbrod, Drahomir Aujesky, Regula Capaul, Raeto T Strebel. Do Swiss urologists and Swiss internists screen themselves and their relatives for prostate cancer? A questionnaire study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40115
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  • 38)- Sandra Müller, Soleen Ghafoor, Cordula Meyer Zu Schwabedissen, Felix Grimm, Fritz Ruprecht Murray, Lars Husmann, Nadine Stanek, Peter Deplazes, Christoph Schlag, Andreas E Kremer, Christoph Gubler, Cäcilia S Reiner, David Semela, Beat Müllhaupt, Ansgar Deibel. Management of biliary obstruction in patients with newly diagnosed alveolar echinococcosis: a Swiss retrospective cohort study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40116
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  • 39)- Marco Marando, Katherine Blondon, Pauline Darbellay Farhoumand, Mathieu Nendaz, Damien Grauser, Alain Sallet, Adriana Tamburello, Marco Pons, Marc Righini, Pietro Gianella, Marc Blondon. Contemporary adequacy of thromboprophylaxis in acutely ill medical patients in Switzerland: a bi-centric prospective cohort. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40117
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  • 40)- Isabella C Schoepf, Carlotta Riebensahm, Chiara Becchetti, Valentine Blaser, Céline V Unternährer, Vanessa Banz, Cédric Hirzel, Franziska M Suter-Riniker, Annalisa Berzigotti. Evolution of humoral immune response to SARS-CoV-2 mRNA vaccine in liver transplant recipients - a longitudinal study. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40118
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  • 41)- Renata Vidonscky Lüthold, Nicole Christin Henz, Connor Fuhrer, Andrea Häner, Michael Schenk, Katharina Tabea Jungo, Sven Streit. Inappropriate proton-pump inhibitor prescribing in primary care - an observational study with quality circles. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40119
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  • 42)- Gioia Scherler, Maren Tomaske, Vincenzo Cannizzaro, Anna Steppacher, Franziska Zucol, Martin Theiler, Laurence Toutous Trellu, Anton Labutin, Philipp P Bosshard, Christoph Berger, Patrick M Meyer Sauteur. Congenital syphilis in Switzerland: a retrospective cohort study, 2010 to 2019. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40121
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  • 43)- Daniela Djokic, Gregorio P Milani, Sebastiano A G Lava, Gianluca Gualco, Teresa Corigliano, Mario G Bianchetti, Camilla Lavagno. Hair-thread strangulation syndrome in childhood: a systematic review. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40124
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  • 44)- Matthew J Kerry, Thomas Volken, Nikola Biller-Andorno, Andrea Glässel, Markus Melloh. A Swiss digital Delphi study on patient-reported outcomes. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40125
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  • 45)- . Medical-ethical guidelines: Living donation of solid organs. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40126
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  • 46)- Maria De Montmollin, Sylvain Bétrisey, Martin Feller, Elisavet Moutzouri, Manuel R Blum, Jennifer Amsler, Dimitrios D Papazoglou, Burkhard Möller, Nicolas Rodondi. Achilles tendon ultrasonography in the clinical screening of familial hypercholesterolaemia - a cross-sectional analysis. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40127
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  • 47)- Fabian Grass, Chantal Berna, Charles-André Vogel, Nicolas Demartines, Fabio Agri. Complementary and Integrative Medicine: a plea for a better resource allocation by the SwissDRG grouping algorithm. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40130
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  • 48)- Michael Sommer, Bronwyn Glaser, Emiliano Soldini, Peter Weber, Gian Paolo Ramelli. Age at initial diagnosis of autism spectrum disorders: a retrospective comparison of screening techniques between the southern and northwestern regions of Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: 40131
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  • 49)- Reto Jörg, Marcel Widmer, Christoph A Meier. The Swiss Atlas of Health Care: monitoring variations in care to improve health care delivery in Switzerland. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: s3440
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  • 50)- Adriano Aguzzi, Gérard Waeber. Launching SwissMedPreprints, the Swiss Medical Weekly's biomedical preprint server. Swiss medical weekly. 2023, 153: s3496
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