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Iranian Journal of Parasitology

Published By Tehran University of Medical Sciences

  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN Iranian Journal of Parasitology
  • Mehdi Mohebali, Gholamhossein Edrissian, Behnaz Akhoundi, Mohammedreza Shirzadi, Gholamreza Hassanpour, Atefeh Behkar, Yavar Rassi, Homa Hajjaran, Hossein Keshavarz, Mohammad Mehdi Gouya, Shahnam Arshi, Mohammad Zeinali, Zabihollah Zarei, Iraj Sharifi, Zahra Kakooei. Visceral Leishmaniasis in Iran: An Update on Epidemiological Features from 2013 to 2022. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 279-293
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  • Fahimeh Kooshki, Amal Khudair Khalaf, Hossein Mahmoudvand, Parastoo Baharvand, Faezeh Gandomi Rouzbahani, Behnoush Selahbarzin. Molecular Epidemiology and Associated Risk Factors of Parasites in Oral Cavity of Children with Malignancies in Western Iran. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 324-330
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  • Mahyar Khorram, Heidar Masjedi, Fatemeh Tabrizi, Mitra Rezaei, Payam Tabarsi, Majid Marjani, Mihan Pourabdoullah, Fatemeh-Maryam Sheikholeslami. The Accuracy of Diagnosis and Genotyping of Species Based on Spliced Leader Mini-Exon Gene by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Sequencing Assays. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 331-341
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  • Muhammad Ayaz Mustufa, Safia Bibi, Syed Jamal Raza, Syed Furqan Hasan, Taranum Ruba Siddiqui, Allah Rakhia, Muhammad Arif Munir, Ayesha Altaf Merchant, Waquarudin Ahmed. Seasonal Trends with the Comparison of Venous and Capillary Blood for Diagnosis of Malaria among Children in Karachi, Pakistan. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 342-350
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  • Manuel Calvopiña, David Fonseca-Carrera, Irina Villacrés-Granda, Alberto Toapanta, Carlos Chiluisa-Guacho, Carlos Bastidas-Caldes. New Primers for Detection and Differentiation between and Subgenera by Polymerase Chain Reaction. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 351-361
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  • Farveh Ehya, Sima Kalantari, Mojgan Bandehpour, Bahram Kazemi. Preliminary Information of Iranian Lizard Promastigote Transcriptome Sequencing by Next Generation Sequencing (NGS) Method. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 362-368
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  • Serap Kılıç Altun, Mehmet Emin Aydemir, Sevil Alkan, Bünyamin İrehan. Trends in Paragonimiasis Global Research: Bibliometric Analysis of a Neglected Food-Borne Parasite. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 369-381
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  • Guo Yue, Yu Liang Cao, Dong Ying, Zhou Hongchang, Shang Ya Qian, Zhang De Long, Chen Gao Qiang, Jiang Bei, Wu Wan Ting, Lu Mingke. Transcriptome Profiling of Male Adult . Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 382-389
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  • Faezeh Hamidi, Samira Mohammadi-Yeganeh, Mostafa Haji Molla Hoseini, Seyyed Javad Seyyed Tabaei, Niloofar Taghipour, Ameneh Koochaki, Vahedeh Hosseini, Ali Haghighi. TGF-β Targeted by miR-27a Modulates Anti-Parasite Responses of Immune System. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 390-399
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  • Taliha Karakök. Splenic Infarction Secondary to COVID-19 and Malaria Co-Infection: A Case Report. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 400-403
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  • Anil Kumar, Pankaj Kumar, Sonam Bhatt, Ajeet Kumar, G D Singh, Ankesh Kumar. Induced Bilateral Ocular Signs in Cattle and Its Successful Therapeutic Management: A Case Report. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 404-407
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  • Noor Nihad Baqer, Ahmed Salih Mohammed, Bassad A Al-Aboody, Abdullah Musaied Ismail. Genetic Detection of Amoebic Meningoencephalitis Causing by in Iraq: A Case Report. Iranian journal of parasitology. 2023, 18 (3): 408-413
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