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  • Otobo I Ujah, Chukwuemeka E Ogbu, Russell S Kirby. "Is a game really a reason for people to die?" Sentiment and thematic analysis of Twitter-based discourse on Indonesia soccer stampede. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 739-754
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  • Thiresia Sikioti, Afroditi Zartaloudi, Despoina Pappa, Polyxeni Mangoulia, Evangelos C Fradelos, Freideriki Eleni Kourti, Ioannis Koutelekos, Evangelos Dousis, Nikoletta Margari, Areti Stavropoulou, Eleni Evangelou, Chrysoula Dafogianni. Stress and burnout among Greek critical care nurses during the COVID-19 pandemic. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 755-774
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  • Monique White, Candis Pizzetta, Edith Davidson, Andre Hines, Mario Azevedo, Fidelis Ikem, Lena M Jones, Shelia Malone, Girmay Berhie. Mississippi church leaders' perceptions of challenges and barriers to the use of consumer wearables among community members. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 775-790
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  • Alexios Batrakoulis, Saeid Fatolahi, Farnaz Dinizadeh. Health and fitness trends in Iran for 2024: A cross-sectional study. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 791-813
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  • Elysée Claude Bika Lele, Jerson Mekoulou Ndongo, Ako Vera Ashu-Akoh, Ahmadou, Jessica Guyot, Pierre Tchienrg Moueleu Ngalagou, Bienvenu Bongue, Nicholas Tendongfor, Clarisse Noel Ayina Ayina, Marie Yvonne Lobe Tanga, Samuel Honoré Mandengue, Peguy Brice Assomo Ndemba. Burnout syndrome among healthcare professionals in the Fako division, Cameroon: Impact of physical activity and sleep quality. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 814-827
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  • Petros Galanis, Aglaia Katsiroumpa, Irene Vraka, Olga Siskou, Olympia Konstantakopoulou, Ioannis Moisoglou, Parisis Gallos, Daphne Kaitelidou. The quiet quitting scale: Development and initial validation. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 828-848
    Cited : 17
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  • Nityanand Jain, Islam Kourampi, Tungki Pratama Umar, Zahra Rose Almansoor, Ayush Anand, Mohammad Ebad Ur Rehman, Shivani Jain, Aigars Reinis. Global population surpasses eight billion: Are we ready for the next billion? AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 849-866
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  • Kai Cheng, Jiangtao Wang, Jian Liu, Xiangsheng Zhang, Yuanyuan Shen, Hang Su. Public health implications of computer-aided diagnosis and treatment technologies in breast cancer care. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 867-895
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  • Panagiotis-David Soukiasian, Zacharenia Kyrana, Konstantina Gerothanasi, Efstratios Kiranas, Lambros E Kokokiris. Fish oil users of Greece: Predictors, knowledge and habits regarding dietary supplement use. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 896-917
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  • Claudia Chaufan, Laurie Manwell, Benjamin Gabbay, Camila Heredia, Charlotte Daniels. Appraising the decision-making process concerning COVID-19 policy in postsecondary education in Canada: A critical scoping review protocol. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 918-933
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  • Behdin Nowrouzi-Kia, Ali Bani-Fatemi, Aaron Howe, Simrat Ubhi, Mitchel Morrison, Harseerat Saini, Vijay Kumar Chattu. Examining burnout in the electrical sector in Ontario, Canada: A cross-sectional study. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 934-951
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  • Panagiota Kalatzi, Antonios K Travlos, Nickos Geladas, Maria Iliadou, Chara Tzavara, Costas Chryssanthopoulos, Alexandros Mihopoulos, Styliani Tziaferi. Vaccination coverage of primary care providers against seasonal influenza, tetanus, pneumococcal pneumonia and herpes zoster: A cross-sectional study in Greece. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 952-963
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  • Kaja Kastelic, Nejc Šarabon, Michael D Burnard, Dean Lipovac, Željko Pedišić. Association of meeting 24-hour movement guidelines with low back pain among adults. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (4): 964-979
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  • Kavita Sudersanadas, Maha Al Turki, Bahija Basheer, Winnie Philip, Ihssan Hassan Abdelrahman, Alghaliyah Alghofaili, Amani Almoubayed, Abeer Raad Almudaihim. Long-term incompatibility of nutritional status and early childhood caries-A call to revamp perinatal and early childhood dietary care and follow-up. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (3): 496-506
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  • Bahar Kefeli Çol, Ayşe Gümüşler Başaran, Hilal Pekmezci. COVID-19 pandemic: Evaluating its psychological impact and individuals' depression, anxiety, and stress levels. AIMS public health. 2023, 10 (3): 507-523
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