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  • LATEST MANUSCRIPTS IN AIMS Environmental Science
  • P A Stapleton. Toxicological considerations of nano-sized plastics. AIMS environmental science. 2019, 6 (5): 367-378
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  • Jordan Finch, Daniel W Riggs, Timothy E O'Toole, C Arden Pope, Aruni Bhatnagar, Daniel J Conklin. Acute exposure to air pollution is associated with novel changes in blood levels of endothelin-1 and circulating angiogenic cells in young, healthy adults. AIMS environmental science. 2019, 6 (4): 265-276
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  • Swatantra R Kethireddy, Grace A Adegoye, Paul B Tchounwou, Francis Tuluri, H Anwar Ahmad, John H Young, Lei Zhang. The status of geo-environmental health in Mississippi: Application of spatiotemporal statistics to improve health and air quality. AIMS environmental science. 2018, 5 (4): 273-293
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  • Vikram Kapoor, Michael Elk, Carlos Toledo-Hernandez, Jorge W Santo Domingo. Analysis of human mitochondrial DNA sequences from fecally polluted environmental waters as a tool to study population diversity. AIMS environmental science. 2017, 4 (3): 443-455
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  • Nicholas Woodward, Caleb E Finch, Todd E Morgan. Traffic-related air pollution and brain development. AIMS environmental science. 2015, 2 (2): 353-373
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