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Published By Pensoft Publishers

  • ZooKeys: 2023, vol: 1183, issue:
  • 1)- Jeremy Hübner, Vasilisa G Chemyreva, David G Notton. Taxonomic and nomenclatural notes on Kieffer, 1911 (Hymenoptera, Diapriidae) and synonymy of the genus Kieffer, 1910. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 1-11
    Cited : 2
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  • 2)- Nian Gong, Xiang-Sheng Chen, Lin Yang. Two new bamboo-feeding species of the planthopper genus Chen & Zhang, 2011 (Hemiptera, Fulgoromorpha, Caliscelidae) from China. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 111-120
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  • 3)- Matteo Marchioro, Andrew J Johnson, Laura Besana, Michail Yu Mandelshtam, Massimo Faccoli, Enrico Ruzzier. Taxonomic clarification and lectotype designation for Mannerheim, 1853 (non Browne, 1978, nec Browne, 1981) (Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Scolytinae), and notes on pervasive homonymy. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 121-124
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  • 4)- Mengyu Li, Bingli Wang, Ding Yang, Dávid Murányi, Weihai Li, Hongliang Wang. New and little-known stonefly species of the 'western assemblage' group (Plecoptera, Leuctridae) from China. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 125-137
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Boyang Shi, Da Pan, Hongying Sun. A taxonomic revision of the freshwater crab genus Dai & Bo, 1994 (Decapoda, Brachyura, Potamidae), with descriptions of a new genus and two new species. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 13-38
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  • 6)- Mostafa Ghafouri Moghaddam, Diana Carolina Arias-Penna, Minoo Heidari Latibari, Buntika A Butcher. Name game conundrum: identical specific epithets in Microgastrinae (Hymenoptera, Braconidae). ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 139-183
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  • 7)- Guanglin Xie, Maxwell V L Barclay, Wenkai Wang. Review of the genus Bates, 1884 (Cerambycidae, Lamiinae, Lamiini). ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 185-204
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  • 8)- Mengjiao Xu, Yannan Mu, Chao Zhang, Feng Zhang. Three new species of Liu & Li, 2022 (Araneae, Phrurolithidae) from southern China. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 205-217
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  • 9)- Francisco Alonso Solís-Marín, Carlos Andrés Conejeros-Vargas, Andrea Alejandra Caballero-Ochoa, Sheila Colleen Byers.  sp. nov., a new species of apodous sea cucumber from Hawai`i (Echinodermata, Holothuroidea, Apodida). ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 73-80
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  • 10)- Romain Gastineau, Przemysław Dąbek, Kamila Mianowicz, Valcana Stoyanova, Artur Krawcewicz, Tomasz Abramowski. Complete mitochondrial genome of the abyssal coral Cairns, 2015 (Octocorallia, Primnoidae) from the Clarion-Clipperton Zone, Pacific Ocean. ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 81-98
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  • 11)- Axel Hausmann, Gyula M László, Toni Mayr, Peter Huemer. Surprising discovery of an enigmatic geometrid in Croatia: , gen. nov., sp. nov. (Lepidoptera, Geometridae). ZooKeys. 2023, 1183: 99-110
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