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New Journal of Physics

Published By IOP Publishing

  • New Journal of Physics: 2014, vol: 16, issue:
  • 1)- Sangwoo Kim, Muyun Cai, Sascha Hilgenfeldt. Lewis' law revisited: the role of anisotropy in size-topology correlations. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (January):
    Cited : 31
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  • 2)- Alona Birjiniuk, Nicole Billings, Elizabeth Nance, Justin Hanes, Katharina Ribbeck, Patrick S Doyle. Single particle tracking reveals spatial and dynamic organization of the biofilm matrix. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (8): 085014
    Cited : 46
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  • 3)- Cláudio L N Oliveira, Jason H T Bates, Béla Suki. A network model of correlated growth of tissue stiffening in pulmonary fibrosis. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (6): 065022
    Cited : 16
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  • 4)- Minyoung Kevin Kim, Knut Drescher, On Shun Pak, Bonnie L Bassler, Howard A Stone. Filaments in curved streamlines: Rapid formation of biofilm streamers. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (6): 065024
    Cited : 43
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  • 5)- Holley E Lynch, Jim Veldhuis, G Wayne Brodland, M Shane Hutson. Modeling cell elongation during germ band retraction: cell autonomy versus applied anisotropic stress. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (2014): 055003
    Cited : 12
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  • 6)- Ruizhe Wang, A E Carlsson. Load sharing in the growth of bundled biopolymers. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (11): 113047
    Cited : 14
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  • 7)- Svitlana Havrylenko, Xavier Mezanges, Ellen Batchelder, Julie Plastino. Extending the molecular clutch beyond actin-based cell motility. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (10):
    Cited : 7
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  • 8)- Rui-Sheng Wang, William M Oldham, Joseph Loscalzo. Network-based association of hypoxia-responsive genes with cardiovascular diseases. New journal of physics. 2014, 16 (10): 105014
    Cited : 12
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  • 9)- Thiago Mosqueiro, Luis de Lecea, Ramon Huerta. Control of sleep-to-wake transitions via fast aminoacid and slow neuropeptide transmission. New journal of physics. 2014, 16:
    Cited : 16
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  • 10)- Konstantin E Dorfman, Shaul Mukamel. Multidimensional spectroscopy with entangled light: loop vs ladder delay scanning protocols. New journal of physics. 2014, 16:
    Cited : 18
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  • 11)- Pan Deng, Laura de Vargas Roditi, Dave van Ditmarsch, Joao B Xavier. The ecological basis of morphogenesis: branching patterns in swarming colonies of bacteria. New journal of physics. 2014, 16: 015006-15006
    Cited : 31
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  • 12)- Jing Liu, Xunpeng Jiang, Satoshi Ishii, Vladimir Shalaev, Joseph Irudayaraj. Quantifying local density of optical states of nanorods by fluorescence lifetime imaging. New journal of physics. 2014, 16: 063069
    Cited : 9
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  • 13)- Katarzyna Pogoda, LiKang Chin, Penelope C Georges, FitzRoy J Byfield, Robert Bucki, Richard Kim, Michael Weaver, Rebecca G Wells, Cezary Marcinkiewicz, Paul A Janmey. Compression stiffening of brain and its effect on mechanosensing by glioma cells. New journal of physics. 2014, 16: 075002
    Cited : 157
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