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  • International Journal of Africa Nursing Sciences: 2022, vol: 17, issue:
  • 1)- Ayat Da'seh, Osama Obaid, Mohammad Rababa. Psychological impact of coronavirus disease on nurses exposed and non-exposed to disease. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100442
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- Jennifer Chipps, Martin Penelope, Hoffman Jeffrey, Williams Margaret, Baloyi Olivia, Walters Fiona, Mary Ann Jarvis. Evaluation of a digital programme for final year nursing students during COVID-19. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100455
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Nakachew Sewnet Amare, Dereje Nibret Gessesse, Yerukneh Solomon Kinfu, Abebayehu Melesew Mekuriyaw, Michael Amera Tizazu, Mulat Mossie Menalu, Birhan Tsegaw Taye, Alemayehu Gonie Mekonnen. Prevalence of antenatal depression and associated factors among pregnant women during COVID-19 pandemic in North Shewa zone, Amhara region, Ethiopia. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100459
    Cited : 1
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  • 4)- Masoumeh Asgari, Moluk Pouralizadeh, Nazila Javadi Pashaki, Saman Maroufizadeh, Ali Nourisaeed, Ashraf Jannati, Atefeh Ghanbari. Perceived spiritual care competence and the related factors in nursing students during Covid-19 pandemic. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100488
    Cited : 3
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  • 5)- Kholofelo L Matlhaba, Sisinyana H Khunou. Transition of graduate nurses from student to practice during the COVID-19 pandemic: Integrative review. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100501
    Cited : 3
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  • 6)- Samah Mohamed Taha Eid, Evangeline Del Mundo, Ahmed Hashem El-Monshed. Personality traits, perceived stress and perception of COVID-19 among Arab Population: A cross-sectional survey. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: 100502
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Nórgia Elsa Machava, Elsa Maria Salvador, Fhumulani Mulaudzi. Assessment of diagnosis and treatment practices of diarrhoea in children under five in Maputo-Mozambique. International journal of Africa nursing sciences. 2022, 17: None
    Cited : 2
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