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Clinical Endoscopy

Published By Korean Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy

  • Clinical Endoscopy: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Daniel Martin Simadibrata, Elvira Lesmana, Ronnie Fass. Role of endoscopy in gastroesophageal reflux disease. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 681-692
    Cited : 2
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  • 2)- Renato Medas, Eduardo Rodrigues-Pinto. Endoscopic treatment of upper gastrointestinal postsurgical leaks: a narrative review. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 693-705
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  • 3)- Sung Hyeok Ryou, Ki Bae Bang. Endoscopic management of postoperative bleeding. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 706-715
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  • 4)- Giorgia Burrelli Scotti, Roberto Lorenzetti, Annalisa Aratari, Antonietta Lamazza, Enrico Fiori, Claudio Papi, Stefano Festa. Stricturing Crohn's disease: what is the role of endoscopic stenting? A systematic review. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 726-734
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  • 5)- Kwang Bum Cho. How to reduce fistula formation after self-expandable metallic stent insertion for treating malignant esophageal stricture? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 735-737
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  • 6)- João Paulo de Souza Pontual, Alexandre Moraes Bestetti, Diogo Turiani Hourneaux de Moura. Understanding hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection subtleties. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 738-740
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  • 7)- Hyung Ku Chon, Shayan Irani, Tae Hyeon Kim. The writing on the wall: self-expandable stents for endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 741-743
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  • 8)- Younghee Choe, Yu Kyung Cho, Gwang Ha Kim, Jun-Ho Choi, Eun Soo Kim, Ji Hyun Kim, Eun Kwang Choi, Tae Hyeon Kim, Seong-Hun Kim, Do Hoon Kim, . Prevalence, natural progression, and clinical practices of upper gastrointestinal subepithelial lesions in Korea: a multicenter study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 744-753
    Cited : 5
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  • 9)- Iatagan R Josino, Bruno C Martins, Andressa A Machado, Gustavo R de A Lima, Martin A C Cordero, Amanda A M Pombo, Rubens A A Sallum, Ulysses Ribeiro, Todd H Baron, Fauze Maluf-Filho. Self-expandable metallic stent-induced esophagorespiratory fistulas in patients with advanced esophageal cancer. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 761-768
    Cited : 2
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  • 10)- Ippei Tanaka, Dai Hirasawa, Hiroaki Saito, Junichi Akahira, Tomoki Matsuda. Usefulness of the S-O clip for duodenal endoscopic submucosal dissection: a propensity score-matched study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 769-777
    Cited : 1
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  • 11)- Hayato Yamaguchi, Masakatsu Fukuzawa, Takashi Kawai, Takahiro Muramatsu, Taisuke Matsumoto, Kumiko Uchida, Yohei Koyama, Akira Madarame, Takashi Morise, Shin Kono, Sakiko Naito, Naoyoshi Nagata, Mitsushige Sugimoto, Takao Itoi. Significance of rescue hybrid endoscopic submucosal dissection in difficult colorectal cases. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 778-789
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  • 12)- Radhika Chavan, Chaiti Gandhi, K K Rawal, Chirag Shah, Nisarg Patel, Sanjay Rajput. Nasojejunal tube-related duodenal perforations: a multicenter experience. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 817-822
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  • 13)- Jun-Ho Choi. A 66-year-old woman with a hypervascular pancreatic mass. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (6): 827-828
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  • 14)- So Young Han, Young Hoon Youn. Role of endoscopy in patients with achalasia. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 537-545
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  • 15)- Sang Pyo Lee. Role of linked color imaging for upper gastrointestinal disease: present and future. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 546-552
    Cited : 2
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  • 16)- Mizuki Nagai, Sho Suzuki, Yohei Minato, Fumiaki Ishibashi, Kentaro Mochida, Ken Ohata, Tetsuo Morishita. Detecting colorectal lesions with image-enhanced endoscopy: an updated review from clinical trials. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 553-562
    Cited : 5
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  • 17)- Young Joo Yang. Current status of image-enhanced endoscopy in inflammatory bowel disease. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 563-577
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  • 18)- Seong Woo Jeon. There is no royal road: a shortcut for endoscopic submucosal dissection training. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 590-591
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  • 19)- Seok Jeong. Understanding mechanical properties of biliary metal stents for wise stent selection. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 592-593
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  • 20)- Dong Seok Lee, Gin Hyug Lee, Sang Gyun Kim, Kook Lae Lee, Ji Won Kim, Ji Bong Jeong, Yong Jin Jung, Hyoun Woo Kang. Usefulness of a new polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel (PVA-H)-based simulator for endoscopic submucosal dissection training: a pilot study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 604-612
    Cited : 1
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  • 21)- Josué Aliaga Ramos, Yoshinori Morita, Takashi Toyonaga, Danilo Carvalho, Moises Salgado Pedrosa, Vitor N Arantes. Management of esophageal neoplasms by endoscopic submucosal dissection: experience over 100 consecutive procedures. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 613-622
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  • 22)- Mitsuo Tokuhara, Masaaki Shimatani, Kazunari Tominaga, Hiroko Nakahira, Takuya Ohtsu, Katsuyasu Kouda, Makoto Naganuma. Evaluation of a new method, "non-injection resection using bipolar soft coagulation mode (NIRBS)", for colonic adenomatous lesions. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 623-632
    Cited : 4
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  • 23)- Sneha Shaha, Yinglin Gao, Jiahao Peng, Kendrick Che, John J Kim, Wasseem Skef. Anesthesia care provider sedation versus conscious sedation for endoscopic ultrasound-guided tissue acquisition: a retrospective cohort study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 658-665
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  • 24)- Isaac Seow-En, Francis Seow-Choen. Warm water irrigation is useful for the identification of a bleeding colonic diverticulum. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 671-673
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  • 25)- Tae-Geun Gweon, Sang Hoon Kim, Ki Bae Bang, Seung Wook Hong, Won Jae Yoon, Sung Noh Hong, Jae Jun Park, Jimin Han, Ja Seol Koo, Oh Young Lee. Survey results from the participants of the Asian Young Endoscopist Award and International Young Endoscopist Award as part of the International Digestive Endoscopy Network. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 674-676
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  • 26)- Yuri Kim, Ji Yong Ahn. Unusual cause of persistent chest pain. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (5): 677-679
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  • 27)- Chung Hyun Tae, Ju Yup Lee, Moon Kyung Joo, Chan Hyuk Park, Eun Jeong Gong, Cheol Min Shin, Hyun Lim, Hyuk Soon Choi, Miyoung Choi, Sang Hoon Kim, Chul-Hyun Lim, Jeong-Sik Byeon, Ki-Nam Shim, Geun Am Song, Moon Sung Lee, Jong-Jae Park, Oh Young Lee, . Clinical practice guidelines for percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 391-408
    Cited : 6
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  • 28)- Takeshi Uozumi, Seiichiro Abe, Mai Ego Makiguchi, Satoru Nonaka, Haruhisa Suzuki, Shigetaka Yoshinaga, Yutaka Saito. Complications of endoscopic resection in the upper gastrointestinal tract. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 409-422
    Cited : 5
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  • 29)- Tae-Geun Gweon, Dong-Hoon Yang. Management of complications related to colorectal endoscopic submucosal dissection. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 423-432
    Cited : 9
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  • 30)- Clement Chun Ho Wu, Samuel Jun Ming Lim, Christopher Jen Lock Khor. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography-related complications: risk stratification, prevention, and management. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 433-445
    Cited : 8
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  • 31)- Jae Myung Park. Improving the quality of the esophagogastroduodenoscopy in Helicobacter pylori-naïve gastric cancer. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 453-454
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  • 32)- Jin Hwa Park. The role of narrow-band imaging with or without dual focus in the detection of polyps smaller than 10 mm, especially diminutive polyps. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 455-456
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  • 33)- Tien Manh Huynh, Quang Dinh Le, Nhan Quang Le, Huy Minh Le, Duc Trong Quach. Utility of narrow-band imaging with or without dual focus magnification in neoplastic prediction of small colorectal polyps: a Vietnamese experience. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, 56 (4): 479-489
    Cited : 4
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  • 34)- Hakan Şentürk, İbrahim Hakkı Köker, Koray Koçhan, Sercan Kiremitçi, Gülseren Seven, Ali Tüzün İnce. Endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastrojejunostomy with a direct technique without previous intestinal filling using a tubular fully covered self-expandable metallic stent. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 35)- Yusuke Koba, Takahito Kawata, Akira Tamekane, Mitsumasa Watanabe. Circumferential gastric wall thickening as initial presentation of relapsed plasma cell leukemia. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 36)- Arata Sakai, Atsuhiro Masuda, Takaaki Eguchi, Keisuke Furumatsu, Takao Iemoto, Shiei Yoshida, Yoshihiro Okabe, Kodai Yamanaka, Ikuya Miki, Saori Kakuyama, Yosuke Yagi, Daisuke Shirasaka, Shinya Kohashi, Takashi Kobayashi, Hideyuki Shiomi, Yuzo Kodama. A novel fully covered metal stent for unresectable malignant distal biliary obstruction: results of a multicenter prospective study. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 37)- Kenshi Yao, Takashi Yao, Noriya Uedo, Hisashi Doyama, Hideki Ishikawa, Satoshi Nimura, Yuichi Takahashi. E-learning system to improve the endoscopic diagnosis of early gastric cancer. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 38)- Sung Yong Han, Hyung Ku Chon, Seong-Hun Kim, Sang Hyub Lee. Quality indicators of endoscopic ultrasound in the pancreatobiliary system: a brief review of current guidelines. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 39)- Khaled Elfert, Salomon Chamay, Lamin Dos Santos, Mouhand Mohamed, Azizullah Beran, Fouad Jaber, Hazem Abosheaishaa, Suresh Nayudu, Sammy Ho. Increasing trend of endoscopic drainage utilization for the management of pancreatic pseudocyst: insights from a nationwide database. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 40)- Yun Chae Lee, Shayan Irani, Hyung Ku Chon. Nightmare of straight-type plastic stent migration into the peripheral bile duct: what is my savior? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 41)- Adam T Cardullo, Jacob O Robson. Side-opening cutting forceps and esophageal lamina propria yield in pediatric patients with eosinophilic esophagitis. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 42)- Mitsuru Okuno, Keisuke Iwata, Tsuyoshi Mukai, Yusuke Kito, Takuji Tanaka, Naoki Watanabe, Senji Kasahara, Yuhei Iwasa, Akihiko Sugiyama, Youichi Nishigaki, Yuhei Shibata, Junichi Kitagawa, Takuji Iwashita, Eiichi Tomita, Masahito Shimizu. Comparison of 19-gauge conventional and Franseen needles for the diagnosis of lymphadenopathy and classification of malignant lymphoma using endoscopic ultrasound fine-needle aspiration. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 43)- James Weiquan Li, Lai Mun Wang, Katsuro Ichimasa, Kenneth Weicong Lin, James Chi-Yong Ngu, Tiing Leong Ang. Use of artificial intelligence in the management of T1 colorectal cancer: a new tool in the arsenal or is deep learning out of its depth? Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 44)- Masanori Yamada, Kazuo Hara, Nobumasa Mizuno, Shin Haba, Takamichi Kuwahara, Nozomi Okuno, Yasuhiro Kuraishi, Takafumi Yanaidani, Sho Ishikawa, Tsukasa Yasuda, Toshitaka Fukui. The role of needle-based confocal laser endoscopy in the diagnosis of pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 45)- Chawisa Nampoolsuksan, Thawatchai Akaraviputh, Asada Methasate, Jirawat Swangsri, Atthaphorn Trakarnsanga, Chainarong Phalanusitthepha, Thammawat Parakonthun, Voraboot Taweerutchana, Nicha Srisuworanan, Tharathorn Suwatthanarak, Thikhamporn Tawantanakorn, Varut Lohsiriwat, Vitoon Chinswangwatanakul. Aerosol protection using modified N95 respirator during upper gastrointestinal endoscopy: a randomized controlled trial. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 46)- Koh Kitagawa, Hiroyuki Masuda, Akira Mitoro, Fumimasa Tomooka, Shohei Asada, Norihisa Nishimura, Kosuke Kaji, Hitoshi Yoshiji. Black esophagus: a life-threatening adverse event associated with endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 47)- Jan Drews, Jonas Harder, Hannah Kaiser, Miriam Soenarjo, Dorothee Spahlinger, Peter Wohlmuth, Sebastian Wirtz, Ralf Eberhardt, Florian Bornitz, Torsten Bunde, Thomas von Hahn. Impact of a simple non-invasive nasal mask device on intraprocedural hypoxemia in overweight individuals undergoing upper gastrointestinal endoscopy with sedation provided by a non-anesthesiologist provider. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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  • 48)- Bernhard Morell, Frans Olivier The, Christoph Gubler, Fritz Ruprecht Murray. Unroofing of subepithelial lesions in the upper gastrointestinal tract using cold snare: an easy and efficient technique for diagnosis. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
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  • 49)- Kunio Kataoka, Eizaburo Ohno, Takuya Ishikawa, Kentaro Yamao, Yasuyuki Mizutani, Tadashi Iida, Hideki Takami, Osamu Maeda, Junpei Yamaguchi, Yukihiro Yokoyama, Tomoki Ebata, Yasuhiro Kodera, Hiroki Kawashima. Impact of sarcopenia on biliary drainage during neoadjuvant therapy for pancreatic cancer. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 2
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  • 50)- Tsukasa Yasuda, Kazuo Hara, Nobumasa Mizuno, Shin Haba, Takamichi Kuwahara, Nozomi Okuno, Yasuhiro Kuraishi, Takafumi Yanaidani, Sho Ishikawa, Masanori Yamada, Toshitaka Fukui. Safety of endoscopic ultrasound-guided hepaticogastrostomy in patients with malignant biliary obstruction and ascites. Clinical endoscopy. 2023, :
    Cited : 1
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