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  • European Journal of Midwifery: 2023, vol: 7, issue:
  • 1)- Sara D Davis, Sara Bayes, Sadie Geraghty. Development of a tool to identify barriers and enablers to practice innovation in midwifery: A participatory action research study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 1
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- Pyrola Bäcke, Li Thies-Lagergren, Ylva Thernström Blomqvist. Neonatal resuscitation after birth: Swedish midwives' experiences of and perceptions about separation of mothers and their newborn babies. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 10
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Glenda Hawley, Aaron Grogan, Treasure McGuire, Mieke van Driel, Samantha Hollingworth. Nurse practitioner and midwife antibiotic prescribing in Australia. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 11
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Jean Doherty, Barbara Coughlan, Sophie Lynch, Lucille Sheehy, Caroline Hollins Martin, Colin Martin, Mary Brosnan, Martina Cronin, Theresa Barry, Ann Calnan, Sally Horton, Sharon Egan, Denise O'Brien. The importance of communication and involvement in decision-making: A study in Ireland exploring birth satisfaction using the Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised (BSS-R). European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 12
    Cited : 3
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  • 5)- Alina Liepinaitienė, Ema Cilinskaitė, Aurimas Galkontas, Audrius Dėdelė. Lithuanian midwives' attitudes and actions during low-risk birth. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 13
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  • 6)- Bente Dahl, Aud Johannessen, Terese Bondas. Opening Pandora's box: A meta-ethnography about alcohol use in pregnancy from midwives' and other healthcare providers' perspectives. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 14
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Yuko Koga, Noboru Iwata. Job satisfaction of Japanese midwives in the Tokyo metropolitan area. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 15
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Margareta Johansson, Li Thies-Lagergren. Corrigendum: Home-based postnatal midwifery care facilitated a smooth succession into motherhood: A Swedish interview study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 16
    Cited : 0
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  • 9)- Stefania Moysiadou. Vaginal birth after cesarean section: A quantitative study exploring women's understanding and experience regarding VBAC rates in Greece. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 17
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  • 10)- Elena Triantafyllou, Victoria Vivilaki. What are the challenges midwives face working with refugee women and how can they be addressed? European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 18
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  • 11)- Dimitra-Fanouria Ainiti, Aikaterini Lykeridou, Christina Nanou, Anna Deltsidou. Cannabis use during pregnancy and its effect on the fetus, newborn and later childhood: A systematic review. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 19
    Cited : 2
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  • 12)- Athina Diamanti, Antigoni Sarantaki, Nafsika Kalamata, Victoria Vivilaki, Dimitra Varnakioti, Aikaterini Lykeridou. Pregnancy during the pandemic: The psychological impact of COVID-19 on pregnant women in Greece. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 2
    Cited : 2
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  • 13)- Eva Marie E Flaathen, Hege H Johannessen, Julie Bakke, Cecilie Holm, Siv Mørkved, Kjell Å Salvesen, Signe N Stafne. Does regular antenatal exercise promote exclusive breastfeeding during the first 3 months of life? Secondary analyses of a randomized controlled trial. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 20
    Cited : 0
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  • 14)- Victoria G Vivilaki, Elisabeth Wilhelm, Elena Petelos. Infodemic management challenges and evidence-based midwifery. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 21
    Cited : 1
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  • 15)- Angela Kranz, Anja A Schulz, Markus A Wirtz, Claudia Plappert, Harald Abele, Joachim Graf. Assessment of the relevance of midwifery competencies in academic education in Germany from the midwives' perspective: A structural analysis of cross-sectional survey data. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 22
    Cited : 1
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  • 16)- Najat Boucetta, Mustafa El Alaoui. An ecological conception of professional coaching for newly recruited midwives: The case of maternity units in northern Morocco. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 23
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  • 17)- Jeanette Gauci, Rita Pace Parascandalo. Newly qualified midwives' experiences of caring for women in the maternity setting: An integrative review. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 24
    Cited : 0
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  • 18)- Alma Gaupšienė, Aistė Vainauskaitė, Jekaterina Baglajeva, Rimantas Stukas, Diana Ramašauskaitė, Virginija Paliulytė, Natalja Istomina. Associations between maternal health literacy, neonatal health and breastfeeding outcomes in the early postpartum period. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 25
    Cited : 1
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  • 19)- Marika Merits, Kadi Lubi, Meelike Tammes. Experiences of women with impaired physical mobility during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum: A case study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 26
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  • 20)- Olga Aleshin, Roslyn Donnellan-Fernandez. The role of part-time arrangements in the sustainability of midwifery continuity of care models in Australia: An integrative review. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 27
    Cited : 2
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  • 21)- Joeri Vermeulen, Ronald Buyl, Maaike Fobelets. Exploring and enhancing midwives' professional autonomy: Embarking on a journey of empowerment for midwives globally. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 28
    Cited : 1
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  • 22)- Ioanna Koliandri, Eleni Hadjigeorgiou, Maria Karanikola, Ourania Kolokotroni, Christiana Nicolaou, Veronika Christodoulides, Maria Papadopoulou, Christiana Kouta, Nicos Middleton. Informational support and information-seeking during transition to parenthood: Baby Buddy Forward's focus groups with pregnant women and new mothers in Cyprus. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 29
    Cited : 1
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  • 23)- Heru S W Nugroho, Sri Winarni, Koekoeh Hardjito, Suparji Suparji, Nani Surtinah, Bringiwatty Batbual, Wiwin Martiningsih. Response to: 'Antenatal depression and the association of intimate partner violence among a culturally diverse population in southeastern Norway' by Melby et al. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 3
    Cited : 0
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  • 24)- Jonathan Chaloner, Irtiza Qureshi, Mayuri Gogoi, Winifred C Ekezie, Amani Al-Oraibi, Fatimah Wobi, Joy O Agbonmwandolor, Laura B Nellums, Manish Pareek. A qualitative study exploring healthcare workers' lived experiences of the impacts of COVID-19 policies and guidelines on maternal and reproductive healthcare services in the United Kingdom. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 30
    Cited : 0
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  • 25)- Emel Bahadır Yılmaz. Attitudes towards sexual education among midwifery students. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 31
    Cited : 0
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  • 26)- Ingegerd Hildingsson, Helene Parment, Ulrika Öhrn, Margareta Johansson. Foreign-born women rated medical and emotional aspects of postnatal care higher than women born in Sweden: A quantitative comparative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 32
    Cited : 1
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  • 27)- Hanne A Hægeland, Marianne G Moi, Fride E Austad, Hanna Oommen, Janne Rossen, Mirjam Lukasse. Women's experiences and views of outpatient and inpatient induction of labor with oral misoprostol: A secondary qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 33
    Cited : 1
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  • 28)- Davita H van den Heuvel, Liesbeth E Kool, Tamar L Nelson, Esther I Feijen-de Jong. Midwives' work-related fear and anxiety and its impact on their wellbeing and performance. A qualitative study of perceived anxiety in community midwives. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 34
    Cited : 1
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  • 29)- Sonja Kalsvik, Mirjam Lukasse, Enid L Myhre. Midwives' experiences with aortic compression for postpartum hemorrhage: A qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 35
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  • 30)- Dimitrios Papoutsis, Angeliki Antonakou. Normal childbirth: The natural, non-medical, alternative approaches to the most common medical interventions in labor. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 36
    Cited : 0
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  • 31)- Abid Bossouf, Céline Sabourin, Florent Fuchs, Nicolas Giraudeau, Camille Inquimbert. Interprofessional survey on knowledge and attitudes of midwives regarding oral health, in France. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 37
    Cited : 0
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  • 32)- Anne R Kruse, Finn F Lauszus, Axel Forman, Ulrik S Kesmodel, Marie B Rugaard, Randi K Knud-En, Eva-Kristina Persson, Iben B Sundtoft, Niels Uldbjerg. Breastfeeding among parous women offered home-visit by a midwife after early discharge following planned cesarean section: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 38
    Cited : 0
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  • 33)- Marina Tamborowski, Sonia Ghelfi Dufournet, Lucie Terrier, Pierre Gillois, Lionel Di Marco. Analysis of screening for neonatal hypoglycemia in large-for-gestational-age newborns without risk factors, and proposed changes in practice at Grenoble University Hospital. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 39
    Cited : 1
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  • 34)- Stefania Poggianella, Elisa Ambrosi, Luigina Mortari. Women's experience of continuity of midwifery care in North-Eastern Italy: A qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 4
    Cited : 2
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  • 35)- Liv Remvik-Larsen, Anne Marte W Gran, Bente Dahl. Midwives' experiences of facilitating normal birth in midwifery-led units in Norway: A qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 40
    Cited : 1
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  • 36)- Noor I Pappu, Jonna Holmedahl, Svava Gudjonsdottir, Kerstin Erlandsson, Ulrika Byrskog. Quality midwifery care during the COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A focus group study with midwives, nurses, and midwifery educators. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 41
    Cited : 2
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  • 37)- Marije M Gmelig Meyling, M Evelyn Frieling, Johanna P M Vervoort, Esther I Feijen-de Jong, Danielle E M C Jansen. Health problems experienced by women during the first year postpartum: A systematic review. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 42
    Cited : 0
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  • 38)- Maristela B M Urasaki, Marlise O P Lima, Roselane Gonçalves, Natalucia M Araújo, Carolina G S Pereira. Measurement of perineal tears as an additional tool for laceration assessment during vaginal birth. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 43
    Cited : 0
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  • 39)- Michaela Abrmanová, Iva Brabcová, Valérie Tóthová, Martin Červený. Social predictors of breastfeeding and the impact of interventions on breastfeeding of preterm infants: A longitudinal study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 44
    Cited : 0
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  • 40)- Marita H Jakobsen, Elise Udjus, Idun Røseth, Bente Dahl. Midwives' experiences with accompaniment service work in Norway: A qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 5
    Cited : 0
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  • 41)- Lena Henriksen, Janka Debrecéniová, Anna Hrabovská, Šarlota Pufflerová, Ellen Blix. Adaption and validation of the childbirth experience questionnaire (CEQ-SK) in Slovakia. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 6
    Cited : 1
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  • 42)- Christin Ø Lundh, Ane-Karine Øvrum, Bente Dahl. Women's experiences with unexpected induction of labor: A qualitative study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 7
    Cited : 0
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  • 43)- Li Thies-Lagergren, Margareta Johansson. Home-based postnatal midwifery care facilitated a smooth succession into motherhood: A Swedish interview study. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 8
    Cited : 1
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  • 44)- Rana Dousti, Leila Allahqoli, Asiye Ayar Kocaturk, Sevil Hakimi. Can human papillomavirus vaccination during pregnancy result in miscarriage and stillbirth? A meta-analysis and systematic review. European journal of midwifery. 2023, 7: 9
    Cited : 1
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