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  • Maya Topitzer, Yueming Kou, Robert Kasumba, Philip Kreniske. How Differing Audiences Were Associated with User Emotional Expression on a Well-Being App. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2022, 2022:
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  • Adnan Shakeel, Tasneem Shazli, Mohd Sadiq Salman, Hasan Raja Naqvi, Nafees Ahmad, Nazim Ali. Challenges of unrestricted assignment-based examinations (ABE) and restricted open-book examinations (OBE) during COVID-19 pandemic in India: An experimental comparison. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 1050-1066
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  • Sarah E Domoff, Aubrey L Borgen, Sunny Jung Kim, Jennifer A Emond. Prevalence and Predictors of Children's Persistent Screen Time Requests: A National Sample of Parents. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 700-709
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  • Caleb J Hallauer, Emily A Rooney, Haibo Yang, Qingjun Meng, Christian Montag, Jon D Elhai. Anxiety sensitivity mediates relations between anxiety (but not depression) and problematic smartphone use severity, adjusting for age and sex, in Chinese adolescents early in the COVID-19 pandemic. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 788-797
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  • Mohd Imran Siddiquei, Shashank Kathpal. Challenges of online teaching during COVID-19: An exploratory factor analysis. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 811-822
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  • Rosalind Jones, Davoud Mougouei, Simon L Evans. Understanding the emotional response to COVID-19 information in news and social media: A mental health perspective. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 832-842
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  • Itai Chitungo, Malizgani Mhango, Elliot Mbunge, Mathias Dzobo, Godfrey Musuka, Tafadzwa Dzinamarira. Utility of telemedicine in sub-Saharan Africa during the COVID-19 pandemic. A rapid review. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 843-853
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  • Elliot Mbunge, Stephen G Fashoto, Boluwaji Akinnuwesi, Andile Metfula, Sakhile Simelane, Nzuza Ndumiso. Ethics for integrating emerging technologies to contain COVID-19 in Zimbabwe. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (5): 876-890
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  • Colleen Russo Johnson, Israel Flores, Georgene L Troseth. Do Young Children of the "Selfie Generation" Understand Digital Photos as Representations? Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (4): 512-524
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  • Alexander Skulmowski, Bernhard Standl. COVID-19 information fatigue? A case study of a German university website during two waves of the pandemic. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (3): 350-356
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  • Dan-Andrei Sitar-Tăut. Mobile learning acceptance in social distancing during the COVID-19 outbreak: The mediation effect of hedonic motivation. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (3): 366-378
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  • Alexander Skulmowski, Günter Daniel Rey. Visualizing pathogens: Disfluent shapes of pathogens increase their perceived complexity and danger while realism and disfluency boost the credibility of visualizations. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (2): 316-323
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  • Noah F G Evers, Patricia M Greenfield, Gabriel W Evers. COVID-19 shifts mortality salience, activities, and values in the United States: Big data analysis of online adaptation. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (1): 107-126
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  • Jon D Elhai, Dean McKay, Haibo Yang, Charlene Minaya, Christian Montag, Gordon J G Asmundson. Health anxiety related to problematic smartphone use and gaming disorder severity during COVID-19: Fear of missing out as a mediator. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (1): 137-146
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  • Fadhila Hadjeris. Revisiting sustainable development Goal 4 in the context of COVID-19 Pandemic: A case study of online teaching in Algerian higher education institutions. Human behavior and emerging technologies. 2021, 3 (1): 160-168
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