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  • Discover Social Science and Health: 2022, vol: 2, issue:
  • 1)- Jeylan T Mortimer, Jeremy Staff. Agency and Subjective Health from Early Adulthood to Mid-Life: Evidence from the Prospective Youth Development Study. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1):
    Cited : 3
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  • 2)- Gazala Khan, Sazzad Parwez. On societal response to pandemics: linking past experiences to present events. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 10
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Chin Xuan Tan, Shu Chyi Wong, Seok Shin Tan, Seok Tyug Tan. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices towards COVID-19 among undergraduates during emergency remote learning. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 13
    Cited : 7
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  • 4)- Terrence D Hill, Ginny Garcia-Alexander, Andrew P Davis, Eric T Bjorklund, Luis A Vila-Henninger, William C Cockerham. Political ideology and pandemic lifestyles: the indirect effects of empathy, authoritarianism, and threat. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 14
    Cited : 4
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  • 5)- Seife Dendir. Race, ethnicity and mortality in the United States during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic: an assessment. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 16
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- David Bann, Liam Wright, Alice Goisis, Rebecca Hardy, William Johnson, Jane Maddock, Eoin McElroy, Vanessa Moulton, Praveetha Patalay, Shaun Scholes, Richard J Silverwood, George B Ploubidis, Dara O'Neill. Investigating change across time in prevalence or association: the challenges of cross-study comparative research and possible solutions. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 18
    Cited : 4
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  • 7)- Kaamel Nuhu, Kamal Humagain, Genevieve Alorbi, Sabena Thomas, Alexis Blavos, Vierne Placide. Global COVID-19 case fatality rates influenced by inequalities in human development and vaccination rates. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 20
    Cited : 2
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  • 8)- Ola Svenson. Perceived Corona virus exposure as a function of interpersonal distance and time of a conversation. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 24
    Cited : 4
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  • 9)- Thomas W McDade, Kathleen Mullan Harris. From society to cells and back again: new opportunities for discovery at the biosocial interface. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 4
    Cited : 4
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  • 10)- Jen Murphy, Mark Elliot. An analysis of changes in wellbeing during the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 6
    Cited : 2
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  • 11)- Mostafa Yosef, Fatma Amr Gamil Mokhtar, Wafaa Mohamed Hussein. Compliance with wearing facemasks by university teaching staff during the second wave of COVID-19 pandemic: a cross sectional study. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 8
    Cited : 4
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  • 12)- Sharron Xuanren Wang, Nicole Bell Rogers, Melissa Harrington, Dorothy Dillard. COVID-19 testing in Delaware's underserved communities: demographic and social determinants of testing inequality. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2 (1): 9
    Cited : 0
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  • 13)- Richard A Miech. Adolescent Cannabis Users Who Have Never Smoked A Combustible Cigarette: Trends and Level of Addictive Drug Use from 1976 to 2020. Discover social science and health. 2022, 2:
    Cited : 1
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