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  • Orthopedic Research and Reviews: 2023, vol: 15, issue:
  • 1)- Charlotte de Groot, Daniel E Verstift, Jelle Heisen, Derek F P van Deurzen, Michel P J van den Bekerom. Management of Acromioclavicular Injuries - Current Concepts. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 1-12
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  • 2)- Maria Danko, Jan Sekac, Eva Dzivakova, Jozef Zivcak, Radovan Hudak. 3D Printing of Individual Running Insoles - A Case Study. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 105-118
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  • 3)- Elsa Daniel Alemayehu, Eskinder Kebede. A Unique Way of Treatment of Giant Cell Tumor of the Distal Femur in a 19-Year-Old Female, a Case Report. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 119-127
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  • 4)- Hayden P Baker, Joseph Gutbrod, Michael Cahill, Lewis Shi. Optimal Treatment of Proximal Humeral Fractures in the Elderly: Risks and Management Challenges. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 129-137
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  • 5)- Raden Andri Primadhi, Rio Aditya, Nucki Nursjamsi Hidajat. Hallux Valgus Interphalangeus with Large Ossicle Formation: A Case Report. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 13-17
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  • 6)- Kwok Chuen Wong, Edgar Yan Sun, Irene Oi Ling Wong, Shekhar Madhukar Kumta. Mixed Reality Improves 3D Visualization and Spatial Awareness of Bone Tumors for Surgical Planning in Orthopaedic Oncology: A Proof of Concept Study. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 139-149
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  • 7)- Thanapon Chobpenthai, Thanate Poosiripinyo, Chawin Warakul. Reconstruction After En Bloc Resection of a Distal Radius Tumor. An Updated and Concise Review. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 151-164
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  • 8)- Alexandru Fofiu, Robert G Tripon, Tiberiu Băţagă, Traian V Chirilă. Exogenous Crosslinking of Tendons as a Strategy for Mechanical Augmentation and Repair: A Narrative Review. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 165-173
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  • 9)- Tito Sumarwoto, Seti Aji Hadinoto, Dina Aprilya, Sigit Bayudono, Totok Siswanto. Functional Outcomes of Neglected Elbow Dislocation Treated with Double Approach Surgery. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 175-181
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  • 10)- Vivian Reinhold, Antti Saarinen, Eetu Suominen, Stina Syrjänen, Minna Kankuri-Tammilehto. Severe Untreated Scoliosis and Early Onset Breast Cancer in a Patient with Neurofibromatosis Associated with a Nonsense Variant of Gene. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 183-189
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  • 11)- Hilmi Muhammad, Sofia Mubarika Haryana, Rahadyan Magetsari, Aryadi Kurniawan, Bima Baikuni, Paramita Ayu Saraswati. Genetic Role in Recurrence of Idiopathic CTEV: A Systematic Review. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 19-25
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  • 12)- Ahmed A Abdulelah, Bassem I Haddad, Abdulrahman A Alhajahjeh, Lina M AlQirem, Layla El-Amayreh. The Risk of Developing Osteosarcoma After Teriparatide Use: A Systematic Review. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 191-198
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  • 13)- Junya Itou, Yutaro Munakata, Yujiro Kuramitsu, Hiromi Madarame, Ken Okazaki. Incidence and Distribution of Deep Vein Thrombosis Following Total Hip Arthroplasty Using an Anterolateral Supine Approach. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 199-205
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  • 14)- Tim Cheok, Matthew Jennings, Morgan Berman, Kanishka Williams, Jaideep Singh Rawat, Bruce K Foster. Capital Femoral Epiphysis with Acute Unstable Valgus Type Slip Managed with Closed Reduction and Percutaneous Fixation: A Case Report. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 207-213
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  • 15)- Ashley A Thompson, Ioanna K Bolia, Amir Fathi, Andrew Dobitsch, Christian A Cruz, Rajvarun Grewal, Alexander E Weber, Frank A Petrigliano, George F Hatch Iii. Tissue Augmentation Techniques in the Management of Ligamentous Knee Injuries. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 215-223
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  • 16)- Peng Li, Xiang Li, Lin Ma, Hai Yi He. Clinical Effects of the End-Love Technique in the Treatment of Recurrent Lumbar Disc Herniation 1 Year After Surgery. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 225-236
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  • 17)- Abdulrahman Yousef Alhabeeb, Ahmed O Idrees, Thamer S Alhowaish, Moustafa S Alhamadh, Emad Masudi, Abdullah Alanazi, Wazzan Aljuhani. Outcome of Surgical Management of Dermatofibrosarcoma Protuberance: A Single-Institution Multidisciplinary Approach. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 237-243
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  • 18)- Roman Frederik Karkosch, Tomas Smith, Gunnar Jensen, Lars Rene Tuecking, Hauke Horstmann. Arthroscopic Minced Cartilage Repair in the Glenohumeral Joint - Short Term Clinical Outcome in a 33-Year-Old Handyman: A Case Report. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 245-251
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  • 19)- Abuduwupuer Haibier, Alimujiang Yusufu, Hang Lin, Aiben Kayierhan, Yimuran Abudukelimu, Tuerhongjiang Abudurexiti. Efficacy and Safety Study of Low-Molecular-Weight Heparin and Fondaparinux Sodium After Hip Arthroplasty: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 253-261
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  • 20)- Karthikeyan P Iyengar, Aakaash S Venkatesan, Vijay K Jain, Madapura K Shashidhara, Husam Elbana, Rajesh Botchu. Risks in the Management of Polytrauma Patients: Clinical Insights. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 27-38
    Cited : 5
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  • 21)- Jake Littman, Chanika Phornphutkul, Celine Saade, Julia Katarincic, Roy Aaron. Osteoporosis, Fractures, and Blindness Due to a Missense Mutation in the LRP5 Receptor. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 39-45
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  • 22)- Meirizal Hasan, Hilmi Muhammad, C Rayhan Cein, Husein Ahmad, Anak Agung Ngurah Nata Baskara. Orthopedic Surgical Management of Complicated Congenital Popliteal Pterygium Syndrome: A Case Report. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 47-57
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  • 23)- Tsegalem Birlie, Biniam Biresaw, Elias Yadeta, Tamirat Getachew, Adera Debella, Addis Eyeberu. Knee Pain After Retrograde Intramedullary Nailing with Surgical Implant Generation Network of Femur Shaft Fractures at Public Hospitals in Bahir Dar City, Ethiopia: Analysis of 6-Months Follow-Up Results. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 59-68
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  • 24)- Moh'd S Dawod, Mohammad N Alswerki, Asem J Darabah, Anas O Satari, Asaad O Alrwashdeh, Zaid N Alaqarbeh, Mohammed S Alisi. Reverse Total Shoulder Arthroplasty in Alkaptonuric Shoulder: Case Presentation, Review of Literature, and Technical Considerations. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 69-77
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  • 25)- Marina Pacheco, Rodolfo Guzmán, Patricia Bonilla. Dedifferentiated Low-Grade Osteosarcoma, Outcome with or Without Chemotherapy: A Systematic Review. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 79-89
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  • 26)- Fahmi Anshori, Achmad Fauzi Kamal, Yogi Prabowo, Aria Kekalih, Rudi Febrianto, Dyah Purnaning, Ismail Hadisoebroto Dilogo. The Outcome of Orthopedics Treatment of Lombok Earthquake Victim 2018: A Cohort of One-Year Follow-Up Study-Lesson Learned After Lombok Earthquake. Orthopedic research and reviews. 2023, 15: 91-103
    Cited : 2
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