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  • Metabolism Open: 2023, vol: 17, issue:
  • 1)- Florian Seyfried, Rebecca Springer, Annett Hoffmann, Maximilian Gruber, Christoph Otto, Nicolas Schlegel, Mohammed K Hankir. Gastric bypass surgery weight loss-independently induces gut Il-22 release in association with improved glycemic control in obese Zucker fatty rats. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100212
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- M F Terra, M García-Arévalo, T M Avelino, K Y Degaki, C C Malospirito, M de Carvalho, F R Torres, Â Saito, A C M Figueira. AM-879, a PPARy non-agonist and Ser273 phosphorylation blocker, promotes insulin sensitivity without adverse effects in mice. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100221
    Cited : 3
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  • 3)- Akeberegn Gorems Ayele, Brooktawit Mulugeta, Yohannes Tsegyie Wondmkun. Evaluations of the laxative effects of aqueous root extracts of L. in mice. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100222
    Cited : 1
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  • 4)- Irene Karampela. Perspectives in vaccines, immune response, therapeutic interventions and COVID-19. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100223
    Cited : 0
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  • 5)- Daesung Choi, Rebecca Jones-Antwi, Mohammed K Ali, Shivani A Patel. Do diabetes phenotypes in US women differ by race/ethnicity? A population-based cluster analysis. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100225
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  • 6)- Adewumi Oluwafemi Oyabambi, Kehinde Samuel Olaniyi. Sodium butyrate aggravates glucose dysregulation and dyslipidemia in high fat-fed Wistar rats. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100226
    Cited : 7
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  • 7)- Ryuichi Kawamoto, Asuka Kikuchi, Daisuke Ninomiya, Teru Kumagi. Interactive effect of serum uric acid and handgrip strength on all-cause mortality among Japanese community-dwelling people. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100227
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  • 8)- Zenebe Negash, Tsion Mekonen. Patient perception towards shifting oral antihyperglycemic agents to injectable insulin and associated factors in the diabetes clinic of Tikur Anbessa specialized hospital: Cross-sectional study. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100228
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  • 9)- Narjes Nasiri-Ansari, Eva Kassi. Editorial: Special issue: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: From molecular basis to therapeutic advances. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100229
    Cited : 2
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  • 10)- Leonid Poretsky, Arielle Yeshua, Tal Cantor, Dimiter Avtanski, Radoslav Stojchevski, Karina Ziskovich, Tomer Singer. The effects of irisin and leptin on steroidogenic enzyme gene expression in human granulosa cells: studies. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100230
    Cited : 3
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  • 11)- . Erratum regarding previously published articles. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100231
    Cited : 0
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  • 12)- Mojtaba Ebrahimzadeh Peer, Ziya Fallahmohammadi, Abolfazl Akbari. The effect of progressive endurance training and extract of black winter truffle on proteins levels and expression of hippocampus α-synuclein and HSF1 in the healthy and diabetic rats. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100232
    Cited : 0
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  • 13)- Konstantinos I Avgerinos, Junli Liu, Maria Dalamaga. Could exercise hormone irisin be a therapeutic agent against Parkinson's and other neurodegenerative diseases? Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100233
    Cited : 5
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  • 14)- Violet Dismas Kajogoo, Wondwossen Amogne, Girmay Medhin. New onset type 2 diabetes mellitus risks with integrase strand transfer inhibitors-based regimens: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100235
    Cited : 11
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  • 15)- Akira Mima, Hidemasa Gotoda, Rina Lee, Ami Murakami, Ryosuke Akai, Shinji Lee. Effects of incretin-based therapeutic agents including tirzepatide on renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes: A systemic review and meta-analysis. Metabolism open. 2023, 17: 100236
    Cited : 14
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