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  • Journal of Orthopaedic Translation: 2023, vol: 41, issue:
  • 1)- Peng Zhang, Yesheng Jin, Wei Xia, Xiaotong Wang, Zhiqiang Zhou. Phillygenin inhibits inflammation in chondrocytes via the Nrf2/NF-κB axis and ameliorates osteoarthritis in mice. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 1-11
    Cited : 8
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  • 2)- Qing Yao, Weiyuan Gong, Xiaohao Wu, Donghao Gan, Chu Tao, Sixiong Lin, Minghao Qu, Zhongtian Ouyang, Mingjue Chen, Xinjia Hu, Guozhi Xiao. Comparison of Kindlin-2 deficiency-stimulated osteoarthritis-like lesions induced by versus transgene in mice. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 12-19
    Cited : 4
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  • 3)- Long Long, Guoyou Zou, Yi Cheng, Feng Li, Hao Wu, Yixin Shen. MATN3 delivered by exosome from synovial mesenchymal stem cells relieves knee osteoarthritis: Evidence from and studies. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 20-32
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Rui Dong, Huihui Xu, Pinger Wang, Liang Fang, Luwei Xiao, Shuaijie Lv, Peijian Tong, Hongting Jin. Disruption of Col9a2 expression leads to defects in osteochondral homeostasis and osteoarthritis-like phenotype in mice. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 33-41
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Andrea Schwab, Marinus A Wesdorp, Jietao Xu, Florencia Abinzano, Claudia Loebel, Marc Falandt, Riccardo Levato, David Eglin, Roberto Narcisi, Martin J Stoddart, Jos Malda, Jason A Burdick, Matteo D'Este, Gerjo J V M van Osch. Modulating design parameters to drive cell invasion into hydrogels for osteochondral tissue formation. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 42-53
    Cited : 3
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  • 6)- Jingqi Liang, Peilong Liu, Xinquan Yang, Liang Liu, Yan Zhang, Qiong Wang, Hongmou Zhao. Biomaterial-based scaffolds in promotion of cartilage regeneration: Recent advances and emerging applications. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: 54-62
    Cited : 5
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  • 7)- Jiawei Li, Dongquan Shi, Di Chen. Recent advances in understanding molecular mechanisms and novel strategies for the treatment of osteoarthritis and other diseases related with cartilage defects. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 41: A1-A2
    Cited : 0
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