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  • Journal of Orthopaedic Translation: 2023, vol: 39, issue:
  • 1)- Xiaopeng Tong, Yan Xu, Tao Zhang, Chao Deng, Jinrui Xun, Deyi Sun, Daqi Xu. Exosomes from CD133 human urine-derived stem cells combined adhesive hydrogel facilitate rotator cuff healing by mediating bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 100-112
    Cited : 6
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  • 2)- Michael Hadjiargyrou, Leonidas Salichos, Peter Kloen. Identification of the miRNAome in human fracture callus and nonunion tissues. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 113-123
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Chengjun Li, Tian Qin, Yuxin Jin, Jianzhong Hu, Feifei Yuan, Yong Cao, Chunyue Duan. Cerebrospinal fluid-derived extracellular vesicles after spinal cord injury promote vascular regeneration via PI3K/AKT signaling pathway. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 124-134
    Cited : 9
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  • 4)- Xiaobin Wang, Yanlin Tan, Fusheng Liu, Jingyu Wang, Fubin Liu, Qianshi Zhang, Jing Li. Pharmacological network analysis of the functions and mechanism of kaempferol from Du Zhong in intervertebral disc degeneration (IDD). Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 135-146
    Cited : 5
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  • 5)- Chen Zhao, Guantong Sun, Yaxin Li, Keyu Kong, Xiaodong Li, Tianyou Kan, Fei Yang, Lei Wang, Xiaoqing Wang. Forkhead box O3 attenuates osteoarthritis by suppressing ferroptosis through inactivation of NF-κB/MAPK signaling. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 147-162
    Cited : 8
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  • 6)- Dong Chen, Xin Jiang, Haibo Zou. hASCs-derived exosomal miR-155-5p targeting TGFβR2 promotes autophagy and reduces pyroptosis to alleviate intervertebral disc degeneration. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 163-176
    Cited : 8
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  • 7)- Kewen Zhang, Wuxia Qiu, Hui Li, Jun Li, Pai Wang, Zhihao Chen, Xiao Lin, Airong Qian. MACF1 overexpression in BMSCs alleviates senile osteoporosis in mice through TCF4/miR-335-5p signaling pathway. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 177-190
    Cited : 2
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  • 8)- Guoqing Li, Su Liu, Yixiao Chen, Huihui Xu, Tiantian Qi, Ao Xiong, Deli Wang, Fei Yu, Jian Weng, Hui Zeng. Corrigendum to 'Teriparatide ameliorates articular cartilage degradation and aberrant subchondral bone remodeling in DMM mice' [J. Orthop. Transl.] (2023) 241-255]. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 191-193
    Cited : 0
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  • 9)- Fengxiang Pang, Shouchang Ding, Nan Li, Zhipeng Li, Nannan Tian, Chuanjian Shi, Fengwei Zhang, Yongxin Mai, Jinfang Zhang, Junyan Wang. Corrigendum to "Gallic acid mediates tumor-suppressive effects on osteosarcoma through the H19-Wnt/β-catenin regulatory axis" [J. Orthop. Translat. (2023) 34-42]. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 194-195
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  • 10)- Zhuo Chen, Mingchao Jin, Hongyi He, Jiabao Dong, Jing Li, Jiangbo Nie, Zichen Wang, Juntao Xu, Fengfeng Wu. Mesenchymal stem cells and macrophages and their interactions in tendon-bone healing. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: 63-73
    Cited : 13
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  • 11)- Heng Sun, Bin Li. Addressing musculoskeletal diseases by exploring the potentials of stem cells and plant-derived chemicals. Journal of orthopaedic translation. 2023, 39: A1-A2
    Cited : 0
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