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Case Reports in Hepatology

Published By Hindawi Limited

  • Case Reports in Hepatology: 2022, vol: 2022, issue:
  • 1)- Victoria Green, Marina Roytman. Treatment-Resistant Hepatitis C Viral Infection: A Case Report and Literature Review. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 3556780
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  • 2)- Thaninee Prasoppokakorn, Kessarin Thanapirom, Sombat Treeprasertsuk. Nephrotic Syndrome Induced by Lenvatinib Treatment for Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5101856
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  • 3)- Swapnali Sabhapandit, Mithun Sharma, Anuradha Sekaran, Balachandran Menon, Anand Kulkarni, Soumya Tr, Padaki Nagaraja Rao, Duvurr Nageshwar Reddy. Postliver Transplantation Rhino-Orbital Mucormycosis, an Unexpected Cause of a Downhill Course. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5413315
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Jennifer Yoon, Steve Hu, Daniel Phillips, Amir Fathi, Adnan Ameer. IgG4-Related Hepatic Pseudotumor Masquerading as a Klatskin Tumor. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5765116
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  • 5)- Yoshiaki Sasaki, Hiroki Kajino. Possible Paternal Hepatitis B Virus Infection with Different Clinical Courses between Siblings: A Report of Two Cases. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5812135
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  • 6)- Sanaa Al-Nattah, Kusum Lata Sharma, Matthew Caldis, Erin Spengler, William Nicholas Rose. Plasmapheresis for Pembrolizumab-Induced Hepatitis in a Patient with Squamous Cell Carcinoma and Prior Orthotopic Liver Transplantation. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5908411
    Cited : 2
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  • 7)- Saeed Ali, Abdullah Sohail, Kyle Brown. A Case of a Large Intraabdominal Abscess in a Patient with Cirrhosis Misdiagnosed as Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 5951115
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  • 8)- Riana Wurzburger. A Case of Delayed Hepatic Injury Associated with Teriflunomide Use as Assessed for Causality Using the Updated RUCAM. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 6331923
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  • 9)- Naoki Ishimaru, Hirohisa Fujikawa, Kazuya Niwa, Yoshifumi Kobayashi. A Rare Cause of Haemorrhagic Shock: Rupture of Gastric Wall Seeding of Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 6560834
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  • 10)- Francisco A Durazo, Kelly Kristbaum, James Miller, Kia Saeian, Motaz Selim, Johnny C Hong. De Novo Autoimmune Hepatitis after COVID-19 Infection in an Unvaccinated Patient. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 8409269
    Cited : 7
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  • 11)- Brittany Miles, Muhammad Mujtaba, Shehzad Merwat, Rupak Kulkarni, Jeffrey Fair, Michael Kueht. Escalation to Barbiturate-Induced Coma for Refractory Seizures after Liver Transplantation. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 9311922
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  • 12)- Sunny Sandhu, Hunza Chaudhry, Sharon Zhang, Devang Prajapati. Marked Hyperbilirubinemia Associated with Primary Myelofibrosis Responsive to Ruxolitinib. Case reports in hepatology. 2022, 2022: 9630996
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