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Published By Elsevier

  • SoftwareX: 2020, vol: 11, issue:
  • 1)- N Moshiri. TreeSwift: A massively scalable Python tree package. SoftwareX. 2020, 11:
    Cited : 22
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  • 2)- Nicolas Renaud, Yong Jung, Vasant Honavar, Cunliang Geng, Alexandre M J J Bonvin, Li C Xue. iScore: An MPI supported software for ranking protein-protein docking models based on a random walk graph kernel and support vector machines. SoftwareX. 2020, 11:
    Cited : 5
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  • 3)- Emma Lejeune, Alex Khang, Jacob Sansom, Michael S Sacks. FM-Track: A fiducial marker tracking software for studying cell mechanics in a three-dimensional environment. SoftwareX. 2020, 11:
    Cited : 10
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  • 4)- Aurel Neic, Matthias A F Gsell, Elias Karabelas, Anton J Prassl, Gernot Plank. Automating image-based mesh generation and manipulation tasks in cardiac modeling workflows using Meshtool. SoftwareX. 2020, 11: 100454
    Cited : 42
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