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  • Informatics in Medicine Unlocked: 2023, vol: 38, issue:
  • 1)- Milena Falcaro, Peter Sasieni, Alejandra Castañon. audit_cc: A Stata command for the analysis of matched case-control audits of cervical cancer screening. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101182
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- Goli Arji, Hossein Ahmadi, Pejman Avazpoor, Morteza Hemmat. Identifying resilience strategies for disruption management in the healthcare supply chain during COVID-19 by digital innovations: A systematic literature review. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101199
    Cited : 26
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  • 3)- Marc Vasse, Dmitry Sukhachev, Marie-Christine Ballester, Frédérique Delcominette, François Mellot, Florence Habarou, Aurélie Védrenne, Emilie Jolly, Elena Sukhacheva, Eric Farfour, Tiffany Pascreau. Prognostic value of cellular population data in patients with COVID-19. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101207
    Cited : 2
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  • 4)- Ayodeji Adedayo, Ayodeji Famuti. In-silico studies of extracts as potential candidates against SARS-CoV-2 targeting human main protease enzyme (M). Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101216
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Kamaleldin B Said, Ahmed Alsolami, Fawaz Alshammari, Khalid Farhan Alshammari, Meshari Alazmi, Tulika Bhardwaj, Mohammad Zeeshan Najm, Rajeev Singh, Mohd Adnan Kausar. Molecular evolutionary model based on phylogenetic and mutation analysis of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein sequences from Asian countries: A phylogenomic approach. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101221
    Cited : 3
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  • 6)- Raymond C Ibeh, Gavin C Ikechukwu, Chinonyerem J Ukweni, Israel C Omekara, Amanda U Ezirim, Favour N Ujowundu, Ebere O Eziefuna, Callistus I Iheme, Sunday O Oyedemi, Hezekiel M Kumalo, Umar Ndagi, Monsurat M Lawal. Computational studies of potential antiviral compounds from some selected Nigerian medicinal plants against SARS-CoV-2 proteins. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101230
    Cited : 0
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  • 7)- Ram Singh, Attiq Ul Rehman, Tanveer Ahmed, Khalil Ahmad, Shubham Mahajan, Amit Kant Pandit, Laith Abualigah, Amir H Gandomi. Mathematical modelling and analysis of COVID-19 and tuberculosis transmission dynamics. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101235
    Cited : 8
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  • 8)- Reza Maddah, Vahid Goodarzi, Seyedeh-Leili Asadi-Yousefabad, Mahbobe Abbasluo, Parvin Shariati, Amir Shafiei Kafraj. Evaluation of the gut microbiome associated with COVID-19. Informatics in medicine unlocked. 2023, 38: 101239
    Cited : 11
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