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  • The Lancet Public Health: 2023, vol: , issue:
  • 1)- Ka Hung Chan, Dan Xiao, Maigeng Zhou, Richard Peto, Zhengming Chen. Tobacco control in China. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e1006-e1015
    Cited : 5
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  • 2)- Haijun Zhang, Xiaozhen Lai, Bryan N Patenaude, Mark Jit, Hai Fang. Adding new childhood vaccines to China's National Immunization Program: evidence, benefits, and priorities. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e1016-e1024
    Cited : 5
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  • 3)- Winnie Yip, Hongqiao Fu, Weiyan Jian, Jue Liu, Jay Pan, Duo Xu, Hanmo Yang, Tiemin Zhai. Universal health coverage in China part 1: progress and gaps. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e1025-e1034
    Cited : 12
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  • 4)- Winnie Yip, Hongqiao Fu, Weiyan Jian, Jue Liu, Jay Pan, Duo Xu, Hanmo Yang, Tiemin Zhai. Universal health coverage in China part 2: addressing challenges and recommendations. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e1035-e1042
    Cited : 11
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  • 5)- The Lancet Public Health. Public health in China: time to invest in prevention. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e905
    Cited : 0
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  • 6)- Ana L Moncayo, Julia M Pescarini. Cash transfers: addressing barriers for people living with disabilities. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e910-e911
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  • 7)- Amaia Artazcoz Glaria, Lucia Mullen, Amanda Kovokovich, Albis Francesco Gabrielli, Rebecca Grant, Nedret Emiroglu, Ninglan Wang. Mass-gathering decision making and its implementation during the COVID-19 pandemic. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e912-e913
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  • 8)- . Correction to Lancet Public Health 2023; 8: e585-99. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e914
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  • 9)- Zhihui Li, Hongchuan Wang, Shaoru Chen, Yuhao Kong, Lifeng Xie, Xiangda Zhang, Chunling Lu, S V Subramanian, Jessica L Cohen, Rifat Atun. The association of a disability-targeted cash transfer programme with disability status and health-care access: a quasi-experimental study using a nationwide cohort of 4·3 million Chinese adults living with severe disabilities. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e933-e942
    Cited : 3
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  • 10)- Jinlei Qi, Menglong Li, Lijun Wang, Yifei Hu, Wei Liu, Zheng Long, Zifang Zhou, Peng Yin, Maigeng Zhou. National and subnational trends in cancer burden in China, 2005-20: an analysis of national mortality surveillance data. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e943-e955
    Cited : 83
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  • 11)- Iona Y Millwood, Pek Kei Im, Derrick Bennett, Parisa Hariri, Ling Yang, Huaidong Du, Christiana Kartsonaki, Kuang Lin, Canqing Yu, Yiping Chen, Dianjianyi Sun, Ningmei Zhang, Daniel Avery, Dan Schmidt, Pei Pei, Junshi Chen, Robert Clarke, Jun Lv, Richard Peto, Robin G Walters, Liming Li, Zhengming Chen, . Alcohol intake and cause-specific mortality: conventional and genetic evidence in a prospective cohort study of 512 000 adults in China. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e956-e967
    Cited : 18
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  • 12)- Yingxuan Zhu, Yang Wang, Bangdiwala Shrikant, Lap Ah Tse, Yanyan Zhao, Zhiguang Liu, Chuangshi Wang, Quanyong Xiang, Sumathy Rangarajan, Sidong Li, Weida Liu, Mengya Li, Aiying Han, Jinhua Tang, Bo Hu, Salim Yusuf, Wei Li, . Socioeconomic disparity in mortality and the burden of cardiovascular disease: analysis of the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology (PURE)-China cohort study. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e968-e977
    Cited : 13
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  • 13)- Shihui Zhang, Chi Zhang, Wenjia Cai, Yuqi Bai, Max Callaghan, Nan Chang, Bin Chen, Huiqi Chen, Liangliang Cheng, Hancheng Dai, Xin Dai, Weicheng Fan, Xiaoyi Fang, Tong Gao, Yang Geng, Dabo Guan, Yixin Hu, Junyi Hua, Cunrui Huang, Hong Huang, Jianbin Huang, Xiaomeng Huang, John S Ji, Qiaolei Jiang, Xiaopeng Jiang, Gregor Kiesewetter, Tiantian Li, Lu Liang, Borong Lin, Hualiang Lin, Huan Liu, Qiyong Liu, Xiaobo Liu, Zhao Liu, Zhu Liu, Yufu Liu, Bo Lu, Chenxi Lu, Zhenyu Luo, Wei Ma, Zhifu Mi, Chao . The 2023 China report of the Lancet Countdown on health and climate change: taking stock for a thriving future. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e978-e995
    Cited : 19
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  • 14)- Changfa Xia, Partha Basu, Barnett S Kramer, He Li, Chunfeng Qu, Xue Qin Yu, Karen Canfell, Youlin Qiao, Bruce K Armstrong, Wanqing Chen. Cancer screening in China: a steep road from evidence to implementation. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (12): e996-e1005
    Cited : 26
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  • 15)- The Lancet Public Health. Carbon monoxide poisoning: largely preventable. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e827
    Cited : 1
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  • 16)- Tim Colbourn. COVID-19 surveillance in England: lessons for the next pandemic. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e828-e829
    Cited : 1
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  • 17)- Emma Nichols, Jinkook Lee. Updating estimated trends in dementia incidence: evidence of increases in England. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e830-e831
    Cited : 3
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  • 18)- Li Ming Wen. A novel modelling approach to assess obesity prevention at the population level: limitations and opportunities. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e832-e833
    Cited : 0
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  • 19)- Subash Thapa, Kedir Y Ahmed, Allen G Ross. Beyond statistics: health inequities in rural and remote communities of Australia. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e834
    Cited : 2
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  • 20)- Sheikh Mohammed Shariful Islam, Ralph Maddison. Beyond statistics: health inequities in rural and remote communities of Australia - Authors' reply. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e835
    Cited : 0
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  • 21)- Eimear McGlinchey, M Florencia Iulita, Juan Fortea. Compounded inequality: racial disparity and Down syndrome. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e836
    Cited : 3
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  • 22)- R Asaad Baksh, Sarah E Pape, Andre Strydom. Compounded inequality: racial disparity and Down syndrome - Authors' reply. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e837
    Cited : 0
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  • 23)- . Correction to Lancet Public Health 2023; 8: e411-21. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e838
    Cited : 0
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  • 24)- . Global, regional, and national mortality due to unintentional carbon monoxide poisoning, 2000-2021: results from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e839-e849
    Cited : 10
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  • 25)- Julii Brainard, Iain R Lake, Roger A Morbey, Natalia R Jones, Alex J Elliot, Paul R Hunter. Comparison of surveillance systems for monitoring COVID-19 in England: a retrospective observational study. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e850-e858
    Cited : 4
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  • 26)- Yuntao Chen, Piotr Bandosz, George Stoye, Yuyang Liu, Yanjuan Wu, Sophia Lobanov-Rostovsky, Eric French, Mika Kivimaki, Gill Livingston, Jing Liao, Eric J Brunner. Dementia incidence trend in England and Wales, 2002-19, and projection for dementia burden to 2040: analysis of data from the English Longitudinal Study of Ageing. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e859-e867
    Cited : 21
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  • 27)- Louis Favril, Rongqin Yu, John R Geddes, Seena Fazel. Individual-level risk factors for suicide mortality in the general population: an umbrella review. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e868-e877
    Cited : 24
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  • 28)- Simon J Russell, Oliver T Mytton, Russell M Viner. Estimating the effects of preventive and weight-management interventions on the prevalence of childhood obesity in England: a modelling study. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e878-e888
    Cited : 3
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  • 29)- Jorge Arias-de la Torre, Gemma Vilagut, Amy Ronaldson, Ioannis Bakolis, Alex Dregan, Vicente Martín, Gonzalo Martinez-Alés, Antonio J Molina, Antoni Serrano-Blanco, Jose M Valderas, Maria Carmen Viana, Jordi Alonso. Prevalence and variability of depressive symptoms in Europe: update using representative data from the second and third waves of the European Health Interview Survey (EHIS-2 and EHIS-3). The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (11): e889-e898
    Cited : 10
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  • 30)- Diane M Harper, Marie Claire O'Dwyer. One less dose of HPV vaccine to prevent cancer. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e748-e749
    Cited : 0
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  • 31)- Christina Kassiteridi. 67th Society for Social Medicine & Population Health Annual Scientific meeting. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e750
    Cited : 0
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  • 32)- Jennifer A Deal, Nicholas S Reed. Hearing health and dementia. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e751
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  • 33)- Pádraig T Kitterick, Brent E Edwards. Hearing health and dementia. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e752
    Cited : 1
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  • 34)- Dongshan Zhu, Shiva Raj Mishra, Salim S Virani, Nipun Shrestha, Fan Jiang. Hearing health and dementia - Authors' reply. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e753
    Cited : 0
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  • 35)- . Correction to Lancet Public Health 2023; 8: e329-38. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e754
    Cited : 0
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  • 36)- . Correction to Lancet Public Health 2023; 8: e494-503. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e755
    Cited : 0
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  • 37)- Shennae O'Boyle, Hannah E Barton, Joshua C D'Aeth, Rebecca Cordery, Norman K Fry, David Litt, Rosamund Southgate, Robert Verrecchia, Trish Mannes, Tian Yun Wang, Daniel E Stewart, Oluwakemi Olufon, Michelle Dickinson, Mary E Ramsay, Gayatri Amirthalingam. National public health response to an outbreak of toxigenic Corynebacterium diphtheriae among asylum seekers in England, 2022: a descriptive epidemiological study. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e766-e775
    Cited : 5
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  • 38)- Sophia M Rein, Fiona C Lampe, Suzanne M Ingle, Jonathan A C Sterne, Adam Trickey, M John Gill, Vasileios Papastamopoulos, Linda Wittkop, Marc van der Valk, Maria Kitchen, Jodie L Guest, Derek D Satre, Gilles Wandeler, Pepa Galindo, Jessica Castilho, Heidi M Crane, Colette J Smith. All-cause hospitalisation among people living with HIV according to gender, mode of HIV acquisition, ethnicity, and geographical origin in Europe and North America: findings from the ART-CC cohort collaboration. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e776-e787
    Cited : 3
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  • 39)- Élodie Bénard, Mélanie Drolet, Jean-François Laprise, Guillaume Gingras, Mark Jit, Marie-Claude Boily, Paul Bloem, Marc Brisson. Potential population-level effectiveness of one-dose HPV vaccination in low-income and middle-income countries: a mathematical modelling analysis. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e788-e799
    Cited : 9
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  • 40)- Matthew N Ahmadi, Mark Hamer, Jason M R Gill, Marie Murphy, James P Sanders, Aiden Doherty, Emmanuel Stamatakis. Brief bouts of device-measured intermittent lifestyle physical activity and its association with major adverse cardiovascular events and mortality in people who do not exercise: a prospective cohort study. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e800-e810
    Cited : 23
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  • 41)- Tayla McCloud, Strahil Kamenov, Claire Callender, Glyn Lewis, Gemma Lewis. The association between higher education attendance and common mental health problems among young people in England: evidence from two population-based cohorts. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e811-e819
    Cited : 13
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  • 42)- Diane C Lim, Arezu Najafi, Lamia Afifi, Claudio LA Bassetti, Daniel J Buysse, Fang Han, Birgit Högl, Yohannes Adama Melaku, Charles M Morin, Allan I Pack, Dalva Poyares, Virend K Somers, Peter R Eastwood, Phyllis C Zee, Chandra L Jackson, . The need to promote sleep health in public health agendas across the globe. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, 8 (10): e820-e826
    Cited : 43
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  • 43)- Amy Groenewegen, Victor W Zwartkruis, Michiel Rienstra, Nicolaas P A Zuithoff, Monika Hollander, Hendrik Koffijberg, Martijn Oude Wolcherink, Maarten J Cramer, Yvonne T van der Schouw, Arno W Hoes, Frans H Rutten, Rudolf A de Boer. Diagnostic yield of a proactive strategy for early detection of cardiovascular disease versus usual care in adults with type 2 diabetes or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in primary care in the Netherlands (RED-CVD): a multicentre, pragmatic, cluster-randomised, controlled trial. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 3
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  • 44)- Daria Ukhova, Virve Marionneau, Janne Nikkinen, Heather Wardle. Public health approaches to gambling: a global review of legislative trends. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 5
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  • 45)- Mark J Nieuwenhuijsen. Cities at the heart of the climate action and public health agenda. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 6
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  • 46)- The Lancet Public Health Editors. Retraction-Association between hearing aid use and all-cause and cause-specific dementia: an analysis of the UK Biobank cohort. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 0
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  • 47)- The Lancet Public Health Editors. Retraction-Preventing dementia through correcting hearing: huge progress but more to do. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 0
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  • 48)- The Lancet Public Health Editors. Retraction-Addressing hearing loss at all ages. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 0
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  • 49)- Rebecca E Lacey, Baowen Xue, Giorgio Di Gessa, Wentian Lu, Anne McMunn. Mental and physical health changes around transitions into unpaid caregiving in the UK: a longitudinal, propensity score analysis. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 7
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  • 50)- William E Haley, Joanne Elayoubi. Family caregiving as a global and lifespan public health issue. The Lancet. Public health. 2023, :
    Cited : 4
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