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Annals of Forest Science

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  • Tamara Eckhart, Elisabeth Pötzelsberger, Roland Koeck, Dominik Thom, Georg J Lair, Marcela van Loo, Hubert Hasenauer. Forest stand productivity derived from site conditions: an assessment of old Douglas-fir stands ( (Mirb.) Franco var. ) in Central Europe. Annals of forest science. 2019, 76 (1): 19
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  • Gerald Dirnberger, Angela-Elisabeth Kumer, Eduard Schnur, Hubert Sterba. Is leaf area of Norway spruce ( L. Karst.) and European larch ( Mill.) affected by mixture proportion and stand density? Annals of forest science. 2017, 74 (1): 8
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  • Patricia Brito, Thorsten E E Grams, Rainer Matysssek, Maria S Jimenez, Agueda M Gonzalez-Rodríguez, Walter Oberhuber, Gerhard Wieser. Increased water use efficiency does not prevent growth decline of in a semi-arid treeline ecotone in Tenerife, Canary Islands (Spain). Annals of forest science. 2016, 73 (3): 741-749
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  • Damien Bonal, Benoit Burban, Clément Stahl, Fabien Wagner, Bruno Hérault. The response of tropical rainforests to drought-lessons from recent research and future prospects. Annals of forest science. 2016, 73: 27-44
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  • Gerhard Wieser, Walter Oberhuber, Lisa Walder, Daniela Spieler, Andreas Gruber. Photosynthetic temperature adaptation of Pinus cembra within the timberline ecotone of the Central Austrian Alps. Annals of forest science. 2010, 67 (2):
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  • Andreas Gruber, Jolanda Zimmermann, Gerhard Wieser, Walter Oberhuber. Effects of climate variables on intra-annual stem radial increment in Pinus cembra (L.) along the alpine treeline ecotone. Annals of forest science. 2009, 66 (5):
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  • Gerhard Wieser, Rainer Matyssek, Roland Luzian, Peter Zwerger, Peter Pindur, Walter Oberhuber, Andreas Gruber. Effects of atmospheric and climate change at the timberline of the Central European Alps. Annals of forest science. 2009, 66 (4):
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