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  • Journal of Bone Oncology: 2023, vol: 43, issue:
  • 1)- Gwenyth J Joseph, Douglas B Johnson, Rachelle W Johnson. Immune checkpoint inhibitors in bone metastasis: Clinical challenges, toxicities, and mechanisms. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100505
    Cited : 5
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  • 2)- Yiming Zhang, Nan Ru, Zhaowen Xue, Wenyi Gan, Ruilin Pan, Zelin Wu, Zihang Chen, Huajun Wang, Xiaofei Zheng. The role of mitochondria-related lncRNAs in characterizing the immune landscape and supervising the prognosis of osteosarcoma. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100506
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Amil R Agarwal, Christa L LiBrizzi, Lauren Wessel, Savyasachi C Thakkar, Adam S Levin. The low and disproportionate utilization of antiresorptive therapy in patients with osseous metastasis. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100507
    Cited : 1
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  • 4)- Weimin Chen, Muhammad Ayoub, Mengyun Liao, Ruizheng Shi, Mu Zhang, Feng Su, Zhiguo Huang, Yuanzhe Li, Yi Wang, Kevin K L Wong. A fusion of VGG-16 and ViT models for improving bone tumor classification in computed tomography. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100508
    Cited : 3
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  • 5)- Ling Qiu, Lei Ma, Dan Chen, Nan Zhang, Jiao Cai, Qian Zhang, Xiao Wang, Hai Yi, Hao Yao, Fang-Yi Fan. Novel_circ_003686 regulates the osteogenic differentiation of MSCs in patients with myeloma bone disease through miR-142-5p/IGF1 axis. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100509
    Cited : 0
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  • 6)- Juan Miguel Jimenez-Andrade, Martha B Ramírez-Rosas, Sun Hee Park, Renee Parker, Matthew R Eber, Rebecca Cain, Mary Newland, Fang-Chi Hsu, Carol A Kittel, Thomas J Martin, Enriqueta Muñoz-Islas, Yusuke Shiozawa, Christopher M Peters. Evaluation of pain related behaviors and disease related outcomes in an immunocompetent mouse model of prostate cancer induced bone pain. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100510
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  • 7)- Ahmad Assi, Mohamad Farhat, Maria Catherine Rita Hachem, Ziad Zalaquett, Marven Aoun, Mohammad Daher, Amer Sebaaly, Hampig-Raphaël Kourie. Tyrosine kinase inhibitors in osteosarcoma: Adapting treatment strategiesa. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100511
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Zi Li, Jia-Ming Tian, Yi Chu, Hong-Yi Zhu, Jun-Jie Wang, Jun Huang. Long non-coding RNA PVT1 (PVT1) affects the expression of CCND1 and promotes doxorubicin resistance in osteosarcoma cells. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100512
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- Rongrong Ge, Gavin M Huang. Targeting transforming growth factor beta signaling in metastatic osteosarcoma. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100513
    Cited : 2
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  • 10)- Minna K Laitinen, Joachim Thorkildsen, Guy Morris, Vineet Kurisunkal, Jonathan D Stevenson, Michael C Parry, Lee M Jeys. Intraosseous conventional central chondrosarcoma does not metastasise irrespective of grade in pelvis, scapula and in long bone locations. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100514
    Cited : 3
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  • 11)- Mohamed Diaty Diarra, Zengjie Zhang, Zhan Wang, Eloy Yinwang, Hengyuan Li, Shengdong Wang, Peng Lin, Xin Huang, Zhaoming Ye. Surgical Options for Aggressive Vertebral Hemangiomas:A case series, literature review and treatment recommendations. Journal of bone oncology. 2023, 43: 100515
    Cited : 3
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