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Published By Elsevier

  • Epidemics: 2023, vol: 44, issue:
  • 1)- C R Walker, R I Hickson, E Chang, P Ngor, S Sovannaroth, J A Simpson, D J Price, J M McCaw, R N Price, J A Flegg, A Devine. A model for malaria treatment evaluation in the presence of multiple species. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100687
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- Madhura S Rane, Jonathan Wakefield, Pejman Rohani, M Elizabeth Halloran. Association between pertussis vaccination coverage and other sociodemographic factors and pertussis incidence using surveillance data. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100689
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  • 3)- Sangeeta Bhatia, Jack Wardle, Rebecca K Nash, Pierre Nouvellet, Anne Cori. Extending EpiEstim to estimate the transmission advantage of pathogen variants in real-time: SARS-CoV-2 as a case-study. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100692
    Cited : 3
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  • 4)- Matthew I Betti, Lauren Farrell, Jane Heffernan. A pair formation model with recovery: Application to mpox. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100693
    Cited : 3
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  • 5)- Jue Tao Lim, Esther Li Wen Choo, A Janhavi, Kelvin Bryan Tan, John Abisheganaden, Borame Dickens. Density forecasting of conjunctivitis burden using high-dimensional environmental time series data. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100694
    Cited : 1
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  • 6)- Deven T Hamilton, Clara Agutu, Martin Sirengo, Wairimu Chege, Steven M Goodreau, Adam Elder, Eduard J Sanders, Susan M Graham. Modeling the impact of different PrEP targeting strategies combined with a clinic-based HIV-1 nucleic acid testing intervention in Kenya. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100696
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Karen M Holcomb, Chilinh Nguyen, Nicholas Komar, Brian D Foy, Nicholas A Panella, Marissa L Baskett, Christopher M Barker. Predicted reduction in transmission from deployment of ivermectin-treated birdfeeders for local control of West Nile virus. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100697
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Dawei Wang, Yao-Hsuan Chen, Mario Ventresca. Optimizing age specific strategies of vaccination for prevention of cytomegalovirus infection in the US using agent-based simulation. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100698
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  • 9)- Miguel E P Silva, Martyn Fyles, Li Pi, Jasmina Panovska-Griffiths, Thomas House, Caroline Jay, Elizabeth Fearon. The role of regular asymptomatic testing in reducing the impact of a COVID-19 wave. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100699
    Cited : 4
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  • 10)- Laura W Pomeroy, Senya Magsi, Shannon McGill, Caroline E Wheeler. Mumps epidemic dynamics in the United States before vaccination (1923-1932). Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100700
    Cited : 1
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  • 11)- Cécile Kremer, Andrea Torneri, Pieter J K Libin, Cécile Meex, Marie-Pierre Hayette, Sébastien Bontems, Keith Durkin, Maria Artesi, Vincent Bours, Philippe Lemey, Gilles Darcis, Niel Hens, Christelle Meuris. Reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 outbreaks in a primary school using epidemiological and genomic data. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100701
    Cited : 1
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  • 12)- D Delport, R Sacks-Davis, R G Abeysuriya, M Hellard, N Scott. Lives saved by public health restrictions over the Victorian COVID-19 Delta variant epidemic wave, Aug-Nov 2021. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100702
    Cited : 3
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  • 13)- Younjung Kim, Pierre Nouvellet, Lisa Rogoll, Christoph Staubach, Katja Schulz, Carola Sauter-Louis, Dirk Udo Pfeiffer, Guillaume Fournié. Contrasting seasonality of African swine fever outbreaks and its drivers. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100703
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  • 14)- Nabila Shaikh, Pooja Swali, Rein M G J Houben. Asymptomatic but infectious - The silent driver of pathogen transmission. A pragmatic review. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100704
    Cited : 7
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  • 15)- Rebecca K Borchering, Jessica M Healy, Betsy L Cadwell, Michael A Johansson, Rachel B Slayton, Megan Wallace, Matthew Biggerstaff. Public health impact of the U.S. Scenario Modeling Hub. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100705
    Cited : 11
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  • 16)- Ioannis G Violaris, Theodoros Lampros, Konstantinos Kalafatakis, Georgios Ntritsos, Konstantinos Kostikas, Nikolaos Giannakeas, Markos Tsipouras, Evripidis Glavas, Dimitrios Tsalikakis, Alexandros Tzallas. Modelling the COVID-19 pandemic: Focusing on the case of Greece. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100706
    Cited : 1
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  • 17)- Jingwen Xu, Guzainuer Abudurusuli, Jia Rui, Zhuoyang Li, Zeyu Zhao, Yilan Xia, Xiaohao Guo, Buasiyamu Abudunaibi, Benhua Zhao, Qiwei Guo, Jing-An Cui, Yulin Zhou, Tianmu Chen. Epidemiological characteristics and transmissibility of HPV infection: A long-term retrospective study in Hokkien Golden Triangle, China, 2013-2021. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100707
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  • 18)- Razvan G Romanescu, Songdi Hu, Douglas Nanton, Mahmoud Torabi, Olivier Tremblay-Savard, Md Ashiqul Haque. The effective reproductive number: Modeling and prediction with application to the multi-wave Covid-19 pandemic. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100708
    Cited : 3
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  • 19)- E van Leeuwen, J Panovska-Griffiths, S Elgohari, A Charlett, C Watson. The interplay between susceptibility and vaccine effectiveness control the timing and size of an emerging seasonal influenza wave in England. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100709
    Cited : 2
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  • 20)- Thayer L Anderson, Anjalika Nande, Carter Merenstein, Brinkley Raynor, Anisha Oommen, Brendan J Kelly, Michael Z Levy, Alison L Hill. Quantifying individual-level heterogeneity in infectiousness and susceptibility through household studies. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100710
    Cited : 4
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  • 21)- James Guilder, David Ryder, Nick G H Taylor, Sarah R Alewijnse, Rebecca S Millard, Mark A Thrush, Edmund J Peeler, Hannah J Tidbury. The aquaculture disease network model (AquaNet-Mod): A simulation model to evaluate disease spread and controls for the salmonid industry in England and Wales. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100711
    Cited : 2
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  • 22)- Carla Molina Grané, Pamela Mancuso, Massimo Vicentini, Francesco Venturelli, Olivera Djuric, Mattia Manica, Giorgio Guzzetta, Valentina Marziano, Agnese Zardini, Valeria d'Andrea, Filippo Trentini, Eufemia Bisaccia, Elisabetta Larosa, Silvia Cilloni, Maria Teresa Cassinadri, Patrizio Pezzotti, Marco Ajelli, Paolo Giorgi Rossi, Stefano Merler, Piero Poletti. SARS-CoV-2 transmission patterns in educational settings during the Alpha wave in Reggio-Emilia, Italy. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100712
    Cited : 2
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  • 23)- Cyril Geismar, Vincent Nguyen, Ellen Fragaszy, Madhumita Shrotri, Annalan M D Navaratnam, Sarah Beale, Thomas E Byrne, Wing Lam Erica Fong, Alexei Yavlinsky, Jana Kovar, Susan Hoskins, Isobel Braithwaite, Robert W Aldridge, Andrew C Hayward, Peter J White, Thibaut Jombart, Anne Cori. Bayesian reconstruction of SARS-CoV-2 transmissions highlights substantial proportion of negative serial intervals. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100713
    Cited : 3
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  • 24)- Zachary Stanke, John L Spouge. Estimating age-stratified transmission and reproduction numbers during the early exponential phase of an epidemic: A case study with COVID-19 data. Epidemics. 2023, 44: 100714
    Cited : 1
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