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  • Socius: 2023, vol: 9, issue:
  • 1)- Gabrielle Juteau, Krista K Westrick-Payne, Susan L Brown, Wendy D Manning. Visualizing Children's Family Structure. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9:
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- Alyssa Goldman, Erin York Cornwell. Stand by Me: Social Ties and Health in Real-Time. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9:
    Cited : 2
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  • 3)- Michelle S Phelps, H N Dickens, T Beadle De Andre. Are Supervision Violations Filling Prisons? The Role of Probation, Parole, and New Offenses in Driving Mass Incarceration. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9:
    Cited : 4
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  • 4)- Julia McQuillan, Patricia Wonch Hill, Joseph C Jochman, Grace M Kelly. Decline Is Not Inevitable: Changes in Science Identity during the Progression through a U.S. Middle School among Boys and Girls. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9:
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- Anjuli Fahlberg, Cristiane Martins, Mirian de Andrade, Sophia Costa, Jacob Portela. The Impact of the Pandemic on Poor Urban Neighborhoods: A Participatory Action Research Study of a "Favela" in Rio de Janeiro. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231221137139
    Cited : 2
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  • 6)- Yue Sun, Erin M Bisesti. Political Economy of the COVID-19 Pandemic: How State Policies Shape County-Level Disparities in COVID-19 Deaths. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231221149902
    Cited : 3
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  • 7)- Thomas Biegert, Berkay Özcan, Magdalena Rossetti-Youlton. Household Joblessness in U.S. Metropolitan Areas during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Polarization and the Role of Educational Profiles. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231158087
    Cited : 1
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  • 8)- Volha Chykina, Charles Crabtree. Education and Public Support for COVID-19 Mitigation Measures. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231159538
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  • 9)- S Michael Gaddis, Colleen M Carey, Nicholas V DiRago. Changes over Time in COVID-19 Vaccination Inequalities in Eight Large U.S. Cities. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231161045
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  • 10)- Alexander Borsa, Maximillian Calleo, Joshua Faires, Golda Kaplan, Shadiya Sharif, Dingyu Zhang, Tey Meadow. Love in the Time of COVID-19: The Social Dimensions of Intimate Life under Lockdown. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231161046
    Cited : 1
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  • 11)- Victor Agadjanian. The COVID-19 Pandemic, Social Ties, and Psychosocial Well-Being of Middle-Aged Women in Rural Africa. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231171868
    Cited : 0
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  • 12)- Elizabeth E McElroy, Samuel L Perry, Joshua B Grubbs. Mating in Captivity: The Influence of Social Location on Sexual Satisfaction through Phases of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231173899
    Cited : 3
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  • 13)- Adam Mayer, Stacia Ryder. Conspiratorial Ideation Is Associated with Lower Perceptions of Policy Effectiveness: Views from Local Governments during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231177154
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  • 14)- Makayla Davis, Colin Campbell, Dmitry Tumin. Trends in Neighborhood Social Cohesion among Families with Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231180386
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  • 15)- Greggor Mattson. The Changing Mix of Gay Bar Subtypes after COVID-19 Restrictions in the United States, 2017 to 2023. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231181902
    Cited : 3
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  • 16)- Leticia J Marteleto, Molly Dondero, Andrew Koepp. Scars from a Previous Epidemic: Social Proximity to Zika and Fertility Intentions during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2023, 9: 23780231231184767
    Cited : 0
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