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Published By SAGE Publishing

  • Socius: 2020, vol: 6, issue:
  • 1)- Paul Hanselman. Tournament Mobility in Mathematics Course-Taking Pathways. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6:
    Cited : 2
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  • 2)- Scott Schieman, Philip J Badawy. The Status Dynamics of Role Blurring in the Time of COVID-19. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6: 2378023120944358
    Cited : 14
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  • 3)- Liana Christin Landivar, Leah Ruppanner, William J Scarborough, Caitlyn Collins. Early Signs Indicate That COVID-19 Is Exacerbating Gender Inequality in the Labor Force. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6: 2378023120947997
    Cited : 134
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  • 4)- Jakob Ohme, Mariek M P Vanden Abeele, Kyle Van Gaeveren, Wouter Durnez, Lieven De Marez. Staying Informed and Bridging "Social Distance": Smartphone News Use and Mobile Messaging Behaviors of Flemish Adults during the First Weeks of the COVID-19 Pandemic. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6: 2378023120950190
    Cited : 43
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  • 5)- Brandon G Wagner, Kate H Choi, Philip N Cohen. Decline in Marriage Associated with the COVID-19 Pandemic in the United States. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6: 2378023120980328
    Cited : 25
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  • 6)- Elizabeth Wrigley-Field, Sarah Garcia, Jonathon P Leider, Christopher Robertson, Rebecca Wurtz. Racial Disparities in COVID-19 and Excess Mortality in Minnesota. Socius : sociological research for a dynamic world. 2020, 6: 2378023120980918
    Cited : 30
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