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Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine

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  • Current Controlled Trials in Cardiovascular Medicine: 2001, vol: 2, issue: 6
  • 1)- David R Holmes. Debate: PCI vs CABG: a moving target, but we are gaining. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 263-265
    Cited : 1
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  • 2)- John Kjekshus. Debate: Statins should be used in patients with heart failure. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 268-270
    Cited : 9
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  • 3)- Jan Kristian Damås, Lars Gullestad, Pål Aukrust. Cytokines as new treatment targets in chronic heart failure. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 271-277
    Cited : 32
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  • 4)- Yin-Shan Ng, Patricia A D'Amore. Therapeutic angiogenesis for cardiovascular disease. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 278-285
    Cited : 29
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  • 5)- Panayotis Fasseas, James L Orford, Ali E Denktas, Peter B Berger. Distal protection devices during percutaneous coronary and carotid interventions. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 286-291
    Cited : 20
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  • 6)- Guy Haywood. Biventricular pacing in heart failure: update on results from clinical trials. Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 292-297
    Cited : 6
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  • 7)- Lutgarde Thijs, Jan A Staessen, Sonia Beleva, Willem H Birkenhäger, Christopher J Bulpitt, Hilde Celis, Astrid E Fletcher, Rumjana Kermova, Gastone Leonetti, Tovio Laks, Stefan Mantov, Choudomir Nachev, Cinzia Sarti, Jaakko Tuomilehto, Robert H Fagard, . How well can blood pressure be controlled? Progress report on the Systolic Hypertension in Europe Follow-Up Study (Syst-Eur 2). Current controlled trials in cardiovascular medicine. 2001, 2 (6): 298-306
    Cited : 8
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