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  • CoDAS: 2023, vol: 35, issue: 6
  • 1)- Alanna Stefany de Lima Evangelista, José Diniz Júnior, Ana Paula Machado Costa, Mário Emílio Teixeira Dourado Júnior, Erika Barioni Mantello. Neurological and vestibular findings in three cases of Multiple Sclerosis. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20210153
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  • 2)- Diego Henrique da Cruz Martinho, Ana Carolina Constantini, Elisabeth Amin, Mara Suzana Behlau. Social distancing and choral singing during the Covid-19 pandemic: challenges and vocal symptoms of chorists. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20210175
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  • 3)- Aline Aparecida Lopes, Amélia Augusta de Lima Friche, Stela Maris Aguiar Lemos, Lorena Bicalho, Artur Marins Moreto Silva, Thamara Suzi Dos Santos, Renata Cristina Cordeiro Diniz Oliveira, Paul Avan, Sirley Alves da Silva Carvalho. Prevalence of hearing loss and health vulnerability in children aged 25 to 36 months: an analysis of spatial distribution. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20210189
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  • 4)- Lucas Bevilacqua Alves da Costa, Leticia Cristina Vicente, Leandra Tabanez do Nascimento Silva, Kátia Freitas Alvarenga, Manoel Henrique Salgado, Orozimbo Alves Costa, Rubens Brito. Analysis of aided thresholds in children who have undergone cochlear reimplantation: a ten-year follow-up. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20210293
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  • 5)- Pamela Papile Lunardelo, Laura Caetano Meneghelli, Sthella Zanchetta. Self-reported hearing difficulties and speech-in-noise test performance - what can we find behind a "normal" audiogram? CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220111
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  • 6)- Deborah Cristine Bonetti Rosa, Leonardo Wanderley Lopes, Simone Aparecida Lopes-Herrera. Voice and Communication Training Program Improves Performance of University Students in Oral Presentations. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220146
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  • 7)- Pedro García Montenegro, Elenir Fedosse, Gabriel Urrutia Urrutia. Systematization of a cognitive-communicative intervention based on reminiscence for older adults. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220152
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  • 8)- Andrea Soares, Katia de Almeida. Development of an Internet-based system to guide and telemonitor hearing aid users. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220162
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  • 9)- Samuel Ribeiro de Abreu, Ronei Marcos de Moraes, Perla do Nascimento Martins, Leonardo Wanderley Lopes. VoxMore: technological artifact to assist voice acoustic evaluation in the teaching-learning process and clinical practice. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220166
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  • 10)- Déborah de Oliveira Albino, Ualisson Nogueira do Nascimento, Elisa Meiti Ribeiro Lin Plec, Marco Aurélio Rocha Santos, Ana Cristina Côrtes Gama. Comparison between the acoustic fundamental frequency of the voice and the vibration frequency of the vocal folds analyzed by digital kymography. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220173
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  • 11)- Maria Luiza di Carlo Riato, Vanessa Brito Campoy Rocha, Raquel Mezzalira, Guita Stoler, Maria Isabel Ramos do Amaral. Validation and reliability analysis of the Questionnaire on the Emotional Impact of Vertigo-CIEV version translated to the Brazilian Portuguese language. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220176
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  • 12)- Carlos González Herrera, Themis Maria Kessler, Karina Carlesso Pagliarin. Instrument to evaluate the perception of minimal contrasts in Chilean Sign Language - reliability evidence. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220184
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  • 13)- Caroline Nunes Rocha-Muniz, Tatiane Eisencraft Zalcman, Renata Alonso, Camila Maia Rabelo, Ivone Ferreira Neves-Lobo, Renata Filippini, Eliane Schochat. Evaluation of cognitive functions in the elderly with and without central auditory processing disorder. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220185
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  • 14)- Julia Biancalana Costa, Fabiola Juste, Ana Paula Ritto, Fernanda Chiarion Sassi, Claudia Regina Furquim de Andrade. Analysis of cumulative risk predictors for persistent stuttering: family perception and amount of speech disruptions. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220206
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  • 15)- Ingrid Rafaella Dantas Dos Santos, Wanderson Laerte de Oliveira Carvalho, Joseli Soares Brazorotto. Videofeedback-guided teleintervention for the family of a child with a cochlear implant: a case study. CoDAS. 2023, 35 (6): e20220231
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