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  • Revista Portuguesa de Pneumologia: 2017, vol: 23, issue: 5
  • 1)- A Morais. Are we ready to get in the eye of the storm? Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 243-244
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  • 2)- G Sgalla, L Richeldi. Using evidence in clinical practice: A dream coming true in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 245-246
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  • 3)- R P Baughman, E E Lower. Measuring sarcoidosis around the world: Using the same ruler. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 247-248
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  • 4)- J E Scullion. Erectile dysfunction and COPD - Cause or association. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 249-250
    Cited : 1
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  • 5)- A V Cardoso, P C Mota, N Melo, S Guimarães, C Souto Moura, J M Jesus, R Cunha, A Morais. Analysis of sarcoidosis in the Oporto region (Portugal). Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 251-258
    Cited : 2
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  • 6)- M Dias, M J Oliveira, P Oliveira, I Ladeira, R Lima, M Guimarães. Does any association exist between Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease and Erectile Dysfunction? The DECODED study. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 259-265
    Cited : 5
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  • 7)- M Alfonso, V Bustamante, P Cebollero, M Antón, S Herrero, J B Gáldiz. Assessment of dyspnea and dynamic hyperinflation in male patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during a six minute walk test and an incremental treadmill cardiorespiratory exercise test. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 266-272
    Cited : 2
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  • 8)- D Ramos, M Proença, M R Leite, A D Ferreira, I B Trevisan, G F S Brígida, G Y Tacao, E M C Ramos. Effects of exposure to biomass burning on pulmonary inflammatory markers and pulmonary function in individuals with COPD. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 273-279
    Cited : 3
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  • 9)- G H Ekinci, O Hacıömeroğlu, A Ersev, L Alpay, H Özgen, A Yılmaz. The frequency of lung cancer in patients with pulmonary hamartomas: An evaluation of clinical, radiological, and pathological features and follow-up data of 96 patients with pulmonary hamartomas. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 280-286
    Cited : 3
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  • 10)- C Robalo-Cordeiro, P Campos, L Carvalho, A Borba, S Clemente, S Freitas, S Furtado, J M Jesus, C Leal, A Marques, N Melo, C Souto-Moura, S Neves, V Sousa, A Santos, A Morais. Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in the era of antifibrotic therapy: Searching for new opportunities grounded in evidence. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 287-293
    Cited : 4
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  • 11)- D Araújo, C Damas. Lung transplant outpatient clinic at Centro Hospitalar São João - 10 year review. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 294-295
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  • 12)- R Marçôa, R Linhas, D Apolinário, S Campainha, A Oliveira, C Nogueira, A Loureiro, J Almeida, F Costa, X Wen, S Neves. Diagnostic yield of transbronchial lung cryobiopsy in interstitial lung diseases. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 296-298
    Cited : 1
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  • 13)- S Hamada, A Kuroe, M Tsukino. Does omalizumab impair glucose homeostasis in a patient with severe persistent asthma and type 2 diabetes mellitus? Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 303-304
    Cited : 3
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  • 14)- R Aguiar, N P Fernandes, A Lopes, C Lopes. Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis treated successfully with omalizumab. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 304-306
    Cited : 1
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  • 15)- J Soro-García, E M García-Fontán, R Carrasco-Rodríguez, M Blanco-Ramos, M A Cañizares-Carretero. Atypical pyoderma gangrenosum simulating pectoral abscess managed using negative pressure wound therapy. Revista portuguesa de pneumologia. 2017, 23 (5): 306-307
    Cited : 0
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