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  • Informatics in Primary Care: 2011, vol: 19, issue: 3
  • 1)- Simon de Lusignan. Informatics research, practice, theory and history. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 125-6
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- Simon de Lusignan, Siaw-Teng Liaw, Georgios Michalakidis, Simon Jones. Defining datasets and creating data dictionaries for quality improvement and research in chronic disease using routinely collected data: an ontology-driven approach. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 127-34
    Cited : 11
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  • 3)- M Del Mar García-Gil, Eduardo Hermosilla, Daniel Prieto-Alhambra, Francesc Fina, Magdalena Rosell, Rafel Ramos, Jordi Rodriguez, Tim Williams, Tjeerd Van Staa, Bonaventura Bolíbar. Construction and validation of a scoring system for the selection of high-quality data in a Spanish population primary care database (SIDIAP). Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 135-45
    Cited : 26
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  • 4)- Heather Maddocks, Moira Stewart, Amardeep Thind, Amanda L Terry, Vijaya Chevendra, J Neil Marshall, Louisa Bestard Denomme, Sonny Cejic. Feedback and training tool to improve provision of preventive care by physicians using EMRs: a randomised control trial. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 147-53
    Cited : 0
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  • 5)- Yannis Pappas, Chantelle Anandan, Joseph Liu, Josip Car, Aziz Sheikh, Azeem Majeed. Computer-assisted history-taking systems (CAHTS) in health care: benefits, risks and potential for further development. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 155-60
    Cited : 13
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  • 6)- Lovisa Jäderlund Hagstedt, Carl Edvard Rudebeck, Göran Petersson. Usability of computerised physician order entry in primary care: assessing ePrescribing with a new evaluation model. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 161-8
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Aviv Shachak, Jan Barnsley, Karen Tu, Alejandro R Jadad, Louise Lemieux-Charles. Understanding end-user support for health information technology: a theoretical framework. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 169-72
    Cited : 3
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  • 8)- Tim Benson. The history of the Read Codes: the inaugural James Read Memorial Lecture 2011. Informatics in primary care. 2011, 19 (3): 173-82
    Cited : 30
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