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Oncology and Therapy

Published By Adis, Springer Healthcare

  • Oncology and Therapy: 2023, vol: 11, issue: 2
  • 1)- Emine Eylem Genç, İrem Sena Saraç, Hayrunnisa Arslan, Ahmet Emre Eşkazan. Diagnostic and Treatment Obstacles in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: Social, Operational, and Financial. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 145-152
    Cited : 0
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  • 2)- Jay Kulsh. Biochemistry-Not Oncogenes-May Demystify and Defeat Cancer. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 153-169
    Cited : 1
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  • 3)- Paulo Nunes Filho, Caroline Albuquerque, Mariana Pilon Capella, Marcio Debiasi. Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors in Breast Cancer: A Narrative Review. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 171-183
    Cited : 4
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  • 4)- Shuwen Zheng, Yumei Feng, Chan Li, Jie Zhang, Ke Xie. Induction Therapy for Locally Advanced Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 185-198
    Cited : 3
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  • 5)- D Soldato, L Arecco, E Agostinetto, M A Franzoi, E Mariamidze, S Begijanashvili, N Brunetti, S Spinaci, C Solinas, I Vaz-Luis, A Di Meglio, M Lambertini. The Future of Breast Cancer Research in the Survivorship Field. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 199-229
    Cited : 5
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  • 6)- Danielle E Altman, Xinke Zhang, An-Chen Fu, Alissa R Rams, Jessica A Baldasaro, Samir Ali Ahmad, Michael Schlichting, Patrick Marquis, Elena Benincasa, Camilo Moulin, Vivek Pawar. Development of a Conceptual Model of the Patient Experience in Small Cell Lung Cancer: A Qualitative Interview Study. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 231-244
    Cited : 4
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  • 7)- Dana Chase, Jessica Perhanidis, Divya Gupta, Linda Kalilani, Amanda Golembesky, Antonio González-Martín. Real-World Outcomes Following First-Line Treatment in Patients with Advanced Ovarian Cancer with Multiple Risk Factors for Disease Progression who Received Maintenance Therapy or Active Surveillance. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 245-261
    Cited : 2
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  • 8)- Sundar Jagannath, Nedra Joseph, Concetta Crivera, Akshay Kharat, Carolyn C Jackson, Satish Valluri, Patricia Cost, Hilary Phelps, Rafal Slowik, Timothy Klein, Lee Smolen, Xueting Yu, Adam D Cohen. Component Costs of CAR-T Therapy in Addition to Treatment Acquisition Costs in Patients with Multiple Myeloma. Oncology and therapy. 2023, 11 (2): 263-275
    Cited : 6
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