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  • Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity: 2021, vol: 3, issue: 2
  • 1)- Yang Xue, Lijun Shang, Weiwen Zhang. Building and implementing a multi-level system of ethical code for biologists under the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC) of the United Nations. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 108-119
    Cited : 6
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  • 2)- Kouamé Innocent Kolia, Kipré Bertin Guédé, Kan Stéphane Kouassi, Koby Albert Obro, Kpadraux Danielle Odegue, Sylvie Mireil Sina-Kouaméle, Banga Victor Yepri, Mireille Dosso. Team experience of nasopharyngeal samples reception, decontamination, and sorting during the COVID-19 pandemic (2020) at Institut Pasteur Côte d'Ivoire. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 120-124
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  • 3)- Raphael Nyaruaba, Caroline Mwaliko, Wei Hong, Patrick Amoth, Hongping Wei. SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 laboratory biosafety practices and current molecular diagnostic tools. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 131-140
    Cited : 8
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  • 4)- Xiaoli Wang. A retrospective on the intellectual adventures of think tanks in biosecurity before and after the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 155-162
    Cited : 2
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  • 5)- . Editor in chief of JOBB attended ministry of foreign affairs briefing on traceability of COVID-19 to foreign envoys in china. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 163
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  • 6)- Yi Han, Jie Luan, Xiongli Xu, Shanshan Lu, Meng Li, Jianbo Ba. The characteristics and implications of epidemic reports during COVID-19 in the United States. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 72-75
    Cited : 1
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  • 7)- Rongzhang Hao, Yewu Zhang, Zhidong Cao, Jing Li, Qing Xu, Lingling Ye, Xudong Guo, Tao Zheng, Hongbin Song. Control strategies and their effects on the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 in representative countries. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 76-81
    Cited : 12
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  • 8)- William J Sutherland, Nigel G Taylor, David C Aldridge, Philip Martin, Catherine Rhodes, Gorm Shackelford, Simon Beard, Haydn Belfield, Andrew J Bladon, Cameron Brick, Alec P Christie, Andrew P Dobson, Harriet Downey, Amelia S C Hood, Fangyuan Hua, Alice C Hughes, Rebecca M Jarvis, Douglas MacFarlane, William H Morgan, Anne-Christine Mupepele, Stefan J Marciniak, Cassidy Nelson, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Clarissa Rios Rojas, Katherine A Sainsbury, Rebecca K Smith, Lalitha S Sundaram, Ann Thornton, Jo. A solution scan of societal options to reduce transmission and spread of respiratory viruses: SARS-CoV-2 as a case study. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2021, 3 (2): 84-90
    Cited : 2
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