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Published By Cell Physiol Biochem Press GmbH & Co KG

  • Neurosignals: 2017, vol: 25, issue: 1
  • 1)- Changxing Wang, Chenglong Sun, Zhiying Hu, Xue Huo, Yang Yang, Xuehong Liu, Benson O A Botchway, Henry Davies, Marong Fang. Improved Neural Regeneration with Olfactory Ensheathing Cell Inoculated PLGA Scaffolds in Spinal Cord Injury Adult Rats. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 1-14
    Cited : 26
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  • 2)- Florian Lang, Lisann Pelzl, Ludger Schöls, Andreas Hermann, Michael Föller, Tilman E Schäffer, Christos Stournaras. Neurons, Erythrocytes and Beyond -The Diverse Functions of Chorein. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 117-126
    Cited : 16
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  • 3)- Davide Zanchi, Marie-Louise Montandon, Indrit Sinanaj, Cristelle Rodriguez, Antoinette Depoorter, Francois R Herrmann, Stefan Borgwardt, Panteleimon Giannakopoulos, Sven Haller. Decreased Fronto-Parietal and Increased Default Mode Network Activation is Associated with Subtle Cognitive Deficits in Elderly Controls. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 127-138
    Cited : 27
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  • 4)- Zohreh Hosseinzadeh, Archana Jalligampala, Eberhart Zrenner, Daniel Lleweylln Rathbun. The Spatial Extent of Epiretinal Electrical Stimulation in the Healthy Mouse Retina. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 15-25
    Cited : 7
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  • 5)- Elisa Venturini, Luigi Leanza, Michele Azzolini, Stephanie Kadow, Andrea Mattarei, Michael Weller, Ghazaleh Tabatabai, Michael J Edwards, Mario Zoratti, Cristina Paradisi, Ildikò Szabò, Erich Gulbins, Katrin Anne Becker. Targeting the Potassium Channel Kv1.3 Kills Glioblastoma Cells. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 26-38
    Cited : 39
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  • 6)- Mingjun Xiang, Yuting Jiang, Zhiying Hu, Yang Yang, Benson O A Botchway, Marong Fang. Stimulation of Anxiety-Like Behavior via ERK Pathway by Competitive Serotonin Receptors 2A and 1A in Post-Traumatic Stress Disordered Mice. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 39-53
    Cited : 16
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  • 7)- Undine E Lang, Marc Walter. Depression in the Context of Medical Disorders: New Pharmacological Pathways Revisited. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 54-73
    Cited : 4
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  • 8)- Paul Muhle, Sonja Suntrup-Krueger, Stefan Bittner, Tobias Ruck, Inga Claus, Thomas Marian, Jens B Schröder, Jens Minnerup, Tobias Warnecke, Sven G Meuth, Rainer Dziewas. Increase of Substance P Concentration in Saliva after Pharyngeal Electrical Stimulation in Severely Dysphagic Stroke Patients - an Indicator of Decannulation Success? Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 74-87
    Cited : 30
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  • 9)- Katrin Anne Becker, Ramona Halmer, Laura Davies, Brian D Henry, Regan Ziobro-Henry, Yann Decker, Yang Liu, Erich Gulbins, Klaus Fassbender, Silke Walter. Blockade of Experimental Multiple Sclerosis by Inhibition of the Acid Sphingomyelinase/Ceramide System. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 88-97
    Cited : 21
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  • 10)- Zheng-Hui Gu, Bo Wang, Zhen-Zhen Kou, Yang Bai, Tao Chen, Yu-Lin Dong, Hui Li, Yun-Qing Li. Endomorphins: Promising Endogenous Opioid Peptides for the Development of Novel Analgesics. Neuro-Signals. 2017, 25 (1): 98-116
    Cited : 31
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