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  • Informatics in Primary Care: 2013, vol: 21, issue: 1
  • 1)- Carly Hire, Bruno Rushforth. General practitioners' views on using a prescribing substitution application (ScriptSwitch(®)). Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 1-11
    Cited : 3
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  • 2)- Tim Benson, Henry W W Potts, Justin M Whatling, David Patterson. Comparison of howRU and EQ-5D measures of health-related quality of life in an outpatient clinic. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 12-7
    Cited : 9
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  • 3)- Christine D Jones, George M Holmes, Sarah E Lewis, Kristie W Thompson, Samuel Cykert, Darren A DeWalt. Satisfaction with electronic health records is associated with job satisfaction among primary care physicians. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 18-20
    Cited : 9
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  • 4)- Yuan Zhou, Jessica S Ancker, Mandar Upadhye, Nicolette M McGeorge, Theresa K Guarrera, Sudeep Hegde, Peter W Crane, Rollin J Fairbanks, Ann M Bisantz, Rainu Kaushal, Li Lin. The impact of interoperability of electronic health records on ambulatory physician practices: a discrete-event simulation study. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 21-9
    Cited : 24
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  • 5)- Zainab Kazmi. Effects of exam room EHR use on doctor-patient communication: a systematic literature review. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 30-9
    Cited : 57
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  • 6)- Christopher Martin Pearce, Pushpa Kumarapeli, Simon de Lusignan. "Effects of exam room EHR use on doctor-patient communication: a systematic literature review" - triadic and other key terms may have identified additional literature. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 40-2
    Cited : 3
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  • 7)- Praveen Kumar Rai, Mahendra Singh Nathawat, Shalini Rai. Using the information value method in a geographic information system and remote sensing for malaria mapping: a case study from India. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 43-52
    Cited : 9
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  • 8)- Marlies M E Geurts, Martijn Ivens, Egbert van Gelder, Johan J de Gier. Development of a web-based pharmaceutical care plan to facilitate collaboration between healthcare providers and patients. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): 53-9
    Cited : 4
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  • 9)- Simon de Lusignan, Christopher Pearce, Neil Munro. Getting on with your computer is associated with job satisfaction in primary care: entrants to primary care should be assessed for their competency with electronic patient record systems. Informatics in primary care. 2013, 21 (1): i-iii
    Cited : 2
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