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  • Chronic Diseases and Translational Medicine: 2023, vol: 9, issue: 1
  • 1)- Mingguang Ju, Ziming Gao, Kai Li, Zhenning Wang. Partial advances in the diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal cancer. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 1-4
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  • 2)- Prakash Somi Sankaran. High-fat-diet induced obesity and diabetes mellitus in Th1 and Th2 biased mice strains: A brief overview and hypothesis. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 14-19
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  • 3)- Amsalu Degu, Peter N Karimi, Sylvia A Opanga, David G Nyamu. Determinants of survival outcomes among esophageal cancer patients at a national referral hospital in Kenya. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 20-28
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  • 4)- Peter K Panegyres, Jodi Russell, Huei-Yang Chen, Mariella Panegyres. A global online study of haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in multiple sclerosis and other neurodegenerative disorders. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 39-43
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  • 5)- Nikolai Khaltaev, Svetlana Axelrod. Countrywide "best buy" interventions for noncommunicable diseases prevention and control in countries with different level of socioeconomic development. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 44-53
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  • 6)- Ge Song, Yongqiang Zhang. Clinicopathological characteristics, treatments, and prognosis of breast ductal carcinoma in situ with microinvasion: A narrative review. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 5-13
    Cited : 3
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  • 7)- . Guide for Authors. Chronic diseases and translational medicine. 2023, 9 (1): 63-69
    Cited : 0
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