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Fungal Biology and Biotechnology

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  • Fungal Biology and Biotechnology: 2021, vol: 8, issue: 1
  • 1)- Cameron L M Gilchrist, Yit-Heng Chooi. Synthaser: a CD-Search enabled Python toolkit for analysing domain architecture of fungal secondary metabolite megasynth(et)ases. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 13
    Cited : 9
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  • 2)- Jonna Bouwknegt, Charlotte C Koster, Aurin M Vos, Raúl A Ortiz-Merino, Mats Wassink, Marijke A H Luttik, Marcel van den Broek, Peter L Hagedoorn, Jack T Pronk. Correction to: Class‑II dihydroorotate dehydrogenases from three phylogenetically distant fungi support anaerobic pyrimidine biosynthesis. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 14
    Cited : 0
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  • 3)- Fiona M Wilson, Richard J Harrison. CRISPR/Cas9 mediated editing of the Quorn fungus Fusarium venenatum A3/5 by transient expression of Cas9 and sgRNAs targeting endogenous marker gene PKS12. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 15
    Cited : 13
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  • 4)- Aurélie Van Wylick, Antonielle Vieira Monclaro, Elise Elsacker, Simon Vandelook, Hubert Rahier, Lars De Laet, David Cannella, Eveline Peeters. A review on the potential of filamentous fungi for microbial self-healing of concrete. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 16
    Cited : 26
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  • 5)- Dimitra Almpani-Lekka, Sven Pfeiffer, Christian Schmidts, Seung-Il Seo. A review on architecture with fungal biomaterials: the desired and the feasible. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 17
    Cited : 32
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  • 6)- Elise Elsacker, Simon Vandelook, Bastien Damsin, Aurélie Van Wylick, Eveline Peeters, Lars De Laet. Mechanical characteristics of bacterial cellulose-reinforced mycelium composite materials. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 18
    Cited : 31
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  • 7)- Stefan Cord-Landwehr, Bruno M Moerschbacher. Deciphering the ChitoCode: fungal chitins and chitosans as functional biopolymers. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 19
    Cited : 11
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  • 8)- Simon Vandelook, Elise Elsacker, Aurélie Van Wylick, Lars De Laet, Eveline Peeters. Current state and future prospects of pure mycelium materials. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 20
    Cited : 67
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  • 9)- Huaiyou Chen, Amanmyrat Abdullayev, Maged F Bekheet, Bertram Schmidt, Isabel Regler, Carsten Pohl, Cekdar Vakifahmetoglu, Mathias Czasny, Paul H Kamm, Vera Meyer, Aleksander Gurlo, Ulla Simon. Extrusion-based additive manufacturing of fungal-based composite materials using the tinder fungus Fomes fomentarius. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 21
    Cited : 11
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  • 10)- Suresh Ambati, Tuyetnhu Pham, Zachary A Lewis, Xiaorong Lin, Richard B Meagher. DC-SIGN targets amphotericin B-loaded liposomes to diverse pathogenic fungi. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 22
    Cited : 7
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  • 11)- Pamina Füting, Lars Barthel, Timothy C Cairns, Heiko Briesen, Stefan Schmideder. Filamentous fungal applications in biotechnology: a combined bibliometric and patentometric assessment. Fungal biology and biotechnology. 2021, 8 (1): 23
    Cited : 10
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