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  • Journal of Biosafety and Biosecurity: 2022, vol: 4, issue: 1
  • 1)- Feng Wei, Hong Zhou, Guoqing Gao, Qibin Zheng. Analysis of trends in patent development for coronavirus detection, prevention, and treatment technologies in key countries. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 23-32
    Cited : 4
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  • 2)- Yamin Sun, Wenchao Lin, Wei Dong, Jianguo Xu. Origin and evolutionary analysis of the SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 33-37
    Cited : 81
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  • 3)- Zhenjun Li, Jiafu Jiang, Yigang Tong, Xiangdong Ruan, Jianguo Xu. COVID-19 is a natural infectious disease. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 38-42
    Cited : 1
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  • 4)- Samreen Sarwar, Faheem Shahzad, Ayesha Vajeeha, Rimsha Munir, Amina Yaqoob, Aniqa Naeem, Mamoona Sattar, Sheereen Gull. Assessment of biosafety implementation in clinical diagnostic laboratories in Pakistan during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 43-49
    Cited : 2
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  • 5)- Qin Wu, Qianlin Li, Jiahai Lu. A One Health strategy for emerging infectious diseases based on the COVID-19 outbreak. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 5-11
    Cited : 12
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  • 6)- Xujun Yuan, Guodong Sui, Dawei Zhang, Min Chen, Wang Zhao. Recent developments and trends of automatic nucleic acid detection systems. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 54-58
    Cited : 6
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  • 7)- Tatyana Novossiolova, Simon Whitby, Malcolm Dando, Lijun Shang. Strengthening biological security after COVID-19: Using cartoons for engaging life science stakeholders with the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC). Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 68-74
    Cited : 4
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  • 8)- Zhenjun Li, Jiaxuan Gao. 15-Minute nucleic acid test circles strategy in large cities in China. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 84-85
    Cited : 2
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  • 9)- Zhenjun Li, Shunfeng Er. Scientists' interest in monkeypox may help countries worldwide. Journal of biosafety and biosecurity. 2022, 4 (1): 86-87
    Cited : 1
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